- LII -

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Third person POV

"And what are you doing on Friday to cancel the lesson?"

Reunite with Jungkookie after months.

"School project. Jungkook and I"

He turned his eyes to her suspiciously but then softening his look, he really appreciates her and even likes the way she interests in piano like him, but all of these feelings are not shown.

"Fine BUT you'll finish the missing lyrics for next week"
"The 'Hold me Tight' one?"
"Yeah, you've been working on it from around three months, what takes you so long?"
"I'm in the middle of school, have mercy on me... the lack of inspiration is killing me"

He twist his lips. He knows what no inspiration feels like.

"Fine, have your free Friday, but work on the song"
"It'll be ready and good, I promise"

He nods and flexes his hands.

"Then let's come back to the bridge, do you remember it?"

Y/N relaxes her wrists before positioning each of her fingers in the piano.

It has been almost a year since the lessons started, she knows what to do but Suga always has a trick under his sleeve and the girl's ready to learn from that.

"Go ahead, then"

'I NEED U' was one of the most elaborated of their works nowadays, this efforts must give them glory and fame, that's why too many versions of the same song are been worked on.

She starts with two notes, then four, eight, then the whole song. Her fingers move fluidly over the keys and Suga can't help but stare at her concentrated face, eyes relaxed but lips making a pout. When the fast part starts, Yoongi closes his eyes and waits for her to hit every note perfectly. On the other hand, she's in a hurry, she feels like tempo is chasing her fingers so she forgets to read correctly the pentagram and misses two notes.

Yoongi opens his eyes when two notes disappear and looks at her, who has stopped playing immediately after.

"What have I told you about not rushing things? They're not chasing you, they have they're own time"

She breaths out desperately, this damn part always gets the worst of her.

"One more time"
"Ya~ Ya~ Look at her sad face! Let her have a break, Jin hyung is looking for her"

As the savor he is, Hoseok appears in the door frame of the small room that keeps the piano, ready to get Y/N out of the stressed out hands of Yoongi.

Yoongi turns to Adora and analyzes her face again.

"Next time there must be no mistake here, uh?... Go"
"Sorry, hyung"

She stands up and reunites with Hoseok in the door frame, he friendly passes his arm over her shoulders and whispers once the door is closed.
"Don't take it personal, he's not having a good day"

She hums and turns her face to the room, Yoongi's been acting weird, more distant, more sad. Even if Yoongi doesn't like when people minds his business, she worries about his state mentally and physically talking.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now