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"CAAREFUUUL! It was expensive wood, dude"

Yoongi lets the right side of my new desk to land in the floor with a tud.

"Your fucking desk is heavy"
"I don't see Hobi struggling"

We look at the right side of the desk where J-Hope is not struggling at all with carrying my desk at the bottom of my new studio.

Yes, after the successful tour the management gifted me the old Studio 3, beside Yoongi's one, so I can work in all our projects for the upcoming albums.
And yes, albums because this three works are meant to be together, a trilogy.

Yoongi gets shy, ears turning red and then justifies saying "Hoba is kinda stronger"

I decide to help Yoongi carry the right side of the desk and we three place it at the bottom of the room.

"Ya~ it looks prettier here~ Thank you my hyungs"

They nod at the same time and Yoongi puts my monitor in the center of the desk. "Now, be careful with the console, we'll be back in one hour as you said"
"Yes. One hour and everything will be in place. Go get a drink, you deserve it, strong hyungs"

They leave the new studio and I look around to find the mess I created in the floor, it's too much but it really needs to take me one hour to place everything.

Placing all the controllers and keyboards needed for my studio, later hanging the speakers in the corners and then placing a photo of me and my sister smiling beside the door frame just above the big picture of the eight Bangtannies during the last tour. At the very end I order the multiple paintings laying on the floor to be hanged in my 'art wall', yes, an art wall literally speaking.

I saw some stuff inside my hyungs studios, whether Mario Bros, motorcycle stuff, hippie stuff or the rares Kaws, I thought it was weird to have a thematic inside your studio... then I wondered if I should have a thematic for my studio too. Later I found myself bringing different copies of da Vinci's, Van Gogh's, Botticelli's and Picasso's art, plus some official paintings of Namjoon's favorite artist he gifted me. My thematic is art, apparently.

Two minutes before the lapse of one hour is over, there are knocks on the door.

"It's not time yet~"
"Open the door, Adora"

I identify Namjoon's voice from the outside so I go open the door, being received as well by Hoseok and Yoongi. Too puntual.

"Ta-Da! Isn't it pretty?~"
"It's..." Yoongi gives his classical sigh "too you"

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

"Anyways... Where's the music?"

They all know their tasks in this work, immediately Yoongi taking a seat beside me, in front of the controllers, while Namjoon steps in front of the mic that I placed in the opposite corner to the desk, Hoseok waiting for his turn to record in the black leather sofa I got just two weeks ago.

While 'Outro: Her' sounds in the background and the characteristic deep voice of Namjoon makes some arrangements for the song, I read the lyrics. I'm not participating in this song, tho, they invited me to be part of the production team.

"Stop!" Yoongi shouts to Namjoon and the music disappears from my ears.
"Repeat the... hmm... 'I promised to be the man you want, God I swore to myself' but the last in english, it might sounds faster"

I just look at Yoongi in owe, he is definitely so talented, it can't be hidden.

While we listen to Namjoon sing the hole line again, I turn to Yoongi, who erase some lines of his paragraph and immediately writes something else.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now