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Just another heart to turn down was added to the list. None other but Hoseok's heart, the purest soul inside Seoul and maybe whole Korea.

Using her as a trophy? That's not so honest of them. And Seokjin allowing all of this? Now all the words he said sounded as a joke.

But this time she's going to have the last words.

The tightest dress she found in her wardrobe was a mid-thigh red dress, she always looks good in red, and her high heels make her look like the whole damn meal.

The makeup is not missing, the sweet eyes of hers turned to the ones of a predator.

The tension was visible in the living room, everybody was each other's enemy but when they heard the girl yelling "I'M GOING OUT!" with that tight dress everyone got worried. Yes, it was dangerous to don't know her destination, but it was even more worrying when they realized she was going out alone. Though, when Yoongi tried to stop her, she was already starting her black Jaguar F Type, so even if he yelled out loud, the angry roaring of the motor quiet his voice.

He reached a selected bar, away from 'ordinary people' or the guys she knows very well.

She thought of maybe asking Hwasa to give her company, but she felt the need to be an independent woman and have fun by herself.

It was a long way there, but immediately inside she puts on her best smile, asking for drink after drink. Declining some of the drinks men and women offered from time to time.

Maybe people recognized her, but she doesn't care at the moment. The loud music makes her feet drag her to the dance floor, her favorite part about being drunk in a club was dancing freely, no choreography, no perfect timing, just her body being free.

At some point her head start to hurt and the words Seokjin and also Hoseok said earlier make her suffocate so she runs for dear life to the terrace.

The air that combs her hair makes her relax a bit, but her hands still hit nervously over the railing.

"I'd kill for a cigarette" She doesn't smoke, but for the first time, the feeling is that overwhelming she needs some of that harmful substance.

"Don't kill. I got you"

Pale long fingers offer her a cigarette from an almost new package.

Adora follows the hand till the face of the owner.

Just as the hand, a pale face with cat-like eyes smile a bit for Y/N.
The black suit and the white buttoned up dress shirt underneath it makes the person look taller than they already are.

In owe, Adora accepts the cigarette, and place it between her full lips, watching cautiously how the person in front of her lit the cigar with their own lighter.

The androgenic beauty in front of her, gives an step away, letting Adora inhale the smoke and then letting it out between coughs. It is the first time Y/N smokes, evidently.

"Thank you..." Y/N says in a shy way. Where is the heartless hoe she wanted to be?
Evidently disappeared in front of the person that offered the cigar.

"You're welcome, Adora..." They whisper the name like a secret and hearing their voice is enough for Y/N to get cherry red.

"How- You know me?"
"Your group is a global phenomena, of course I need to know the girl I admire"
"W- What's your name? Sorry"

"The name's Miya. A she, don't get scared" The lady smiles lazily for Adora and she feels suddenly shy.

"Miya..." Y/N tastes the name in her own mouth, it feels rather dizzying "A pleasure to meet you"

Miya smiles again and proceeds to talk with the girl she admires the most.

"So... No bandmates for today?"

Adora's heart skips a bit after remembering all the arguments and tears from earlier.

"Nope. We also need time for ourselves"
"Oh" It sounded as if Y/N wanted to be alone, but she definitely doesn't want to.
"But... some company tonight would light up my mood"

The smile comes back to Miya, she has the green flag to go further.

"You're stressed then"
"Yes" Adora laughs bittersweetly "They're the reason of my first cigarette"
"What happened?"

Adora is drunk, definitely. The air makes the alcohol hit harder in her sistem, and the Miya girl actually doesn't know the boys, why wouldn't Y/N tell her story to a complete stranger?

She might never see this beautiful lady again, so she takes the opportunity to drain all the troubles she has inside.

"You'll see, Miya... I loved one and he rejected me, I fucked with other one but I broke up with him, then one of them confessed the same day I confessed to a different one... And now all of them are in a kind of war"

That's the summary.

"Men suck, for sure" Miya said lighting up her own cigarette.
"And you? Why are you here, Miya?"
"Well... I'm in a group, just debuted few months ago so I'm relaxing a bit after work"

There was something about that Miya girl that pulled Y/N towards the stranger.

Was it her mullet hair or the outfit that reminded Y/N of someone?
Was it the lazy smile or the cat-like eyes?
Her height or her low voice?

Adora didn't know for sure, but she decided to play along with the person fate put in her path.

The girls danced all night together, bought drinks for each other and even shared details of their private lifes; things you wouldn't easily do the same night you met someone...

Miya received a call announcing a car was waiting for her outside the club, so Y/N scored her new friend to the car.

"I expect to see you next Friday here, Y/N!"

Miya said while leaning out the window.

"But- I don't even have your phone number!"
"That's the perfect pretext to meet again, then. I'll come back for your number!"

Miya winks at Adora and the last one looks away flustered. God, what was wrong with the drinks?!

"Then see you next Friday, I guess"
Adora waved goodbye.

The black car disappeared down the highway and she finally comes back to her senses.

Was she really flirting with an stranger?

She finally takes a look at her phone after the long night.

Multiple texts from Taehyung, Jungkook and even Jin.
Missing calls from Yoongi and Hoseok.

She loves them bit right now... their interfering with the person she just met. They of course can wait for a bit.

She doesn't answer any call or text, instead turns off the phone and makes her way to her car, driving slowly to make sure she'll arrive home alive and in one piece.

I received a message not so much ago. I'm not exposing anyone.
I had to admit it is quite a pressure to make the book fit in everyone's likings but I also remind myself (whenever I'm writing) that this book is for fun and de-stress matters, so I try not to get caught up in criticism. Anyhow, I thank and respect the ones that have the courage to express their opinions about my story; and I'm beyond thankful with the ones that are patient with me and my writing process.

Thanks for giving an opportunity to my project. Even if it's for 10 chaps or the whole story, Thank you always.   xX

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now