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"This dress looks better than yesterday's"
"Where are you supposed to be?"
"Uh..." The younger girl thinks about it "The waiting room!"
"And what are you doing here?"

Anna groans annoyed. "But there's no one there ~"
"Yeah! So you can read the school options I looked for you! Did you at least read it?"

The stylist is still fixing the dress sleeves so I can hold the mic without problems

"Yes... But I didn't like any of them"

I've been looking for a high school for Anna, but the little sister doesn't seem interested in coming back to school.

"And what are you going to do with your life?"
"I don't know, I don't care... I have you"

That's not enough. Yes, I'm willing to help her under any circumstances but Anna shouldn't keep depending on me all the time.

I sigh in desperation. Don't get me wrong I have the money and maybe the time, but I would like her to be an strong independent woman, not a girl who lives from someone else's shadow.

"Go say Ms. Chan to take you to the mall so you can buy clothes for the rest of the tour"
"Can't I stay here until you are ready?"
"No" I turn around to face the black eyes of my sister "I have work to do before it, go wash yourself before going to the mall"

The little girl stumps angrily but leaves the place, ready to finish my command.

"Kids are hard to raise, uh?" The stylist says jokingly.
"And she's not even my child"

The stylist giggles at my state and then says "My oldest son was just like that, she'll get your idea with time, be patient" then she leaves after fixing my dress.

I'm not a damn mother, why would I be receiving advices about how to raise a child?

I take off the dress and put it back in the hanger. Just a few minutes later, I'm running to the room next door and knock softly.

"Y/N?" I hear a low voice ask
"That's me"
"It's open, then"

I make my entrance, dragging my tired legs to the side table at the end of the room.

"And that face?"
"Didn't sleep well... Going to the friking airport at midnight to pick her up got me like this... I don't want to admit it but she's getting me on my nerves"

I grind my teeth as a sign of frustration and Namjoon caress my cheek for few seconds.

"I heard noises from the hallway but Jin insisted in sleeping so I didn't check"
"She called me yesterday, saying she wasn't feeling well, something about headache and that she needed me so I could check upon her. She did the same when we were in Japan, she called asking to travel with us"

Namjoon suppress a laugh.

"Just be firm with what you want for her, like school, the rest comes with time"

I groan and throw my head dramatically to Namjoon's thigh.

"I shouldn't even be here asking for motherhood advices, hyung"

He ruffs my hair lightly to say
"She'll be a great woman if you are by her side, don't worry that much... one thing at a time, don't you say that?"

I laugh still laying my cheek on his leg
"I can't take my own advices... let's work"

I sit myself properly in the chair and glance at the papers gathered in the desk. One has the drawings and doodles I made last night while working on the same song of today, and the other has Namjoon's handwriting.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now