- This a new home to me -

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The bright light that peeked through the window was annoying, yes, but the way Seokjin's body was cold sweating in such a warm weather was worse. Even if it was sunny, his body shivers as he sits on the edge of the bed trying to process all the things he experienced, was it a nightmare or a memory?

He's not sure, but panic starts to settle in his mind as he starts to imagine a life without Adora. That just makes him feel sick, he's sure lack of love would feel like being sick.

"Mr. Seokjin? Stylists arrive in 30 minutes, please be ready"

Someone outside his bedroom called out breaking all the storm of thoughts that started to choke him. He takes his sweet minutes to strech his broad back and look for a bathrobe he could wear.

The room is full of handsome guys dressed in branded suit pants, dressing shirts and makeup half way done. There's tradicional korean food on the table, not ramyeon as Jin recalls from his dream. The said man sits beside Namjoon and immediately realizes about the good mood the room is in, so those were two differences from the nightmare.

"You all right?" RM asked as he catches Jin looking around the room with a lost sight.

"Yes, just-" He doesn't dare to talk about his past experience, afraid that his partners would laugh or worse, that all those things would be his reality and not a bad dream "Couldn't sleep that much"

RM smiles softly and places a hand over Seokjin's knee in a reassurance gesture "You should sleep a bit before the event, c'mon" He pushes his hyung's head over his shoulder so Jin can sleep. Jin takes the opportunity and shifts in his seat so he can sleep comfortably.

But the sound of clicking heels and the fresh scent of strawberries and lavander that drowned the room made Jin's eyes open abruptly and sit straight.

It's like a deja vu.

"Bet she woke up late" Yoongi chuckles, followed by the others, as they all sensed her presence in the room too.

"I didn't!" She rushed to the room and took a seat between RM and Jin "My heel got stuck on the fucking dress and it ripped, the team had to sewed it back up" The girl stuck her tongue out at him playfully as she takes one plate with rice and starts eating.

Seokjin is still shocked after realizing it all was a nightmare so he keeps on staring at the lady's profile until she feels her face warming up.

"What?" Adora turns to him with a small smile and cheeks full of food.

"You... look so pretty" His eyes unconsciously shinning as he said that.

"I would've kissed you if it wasn't for the food I'm munching" She answered with a full mouth "But you look prettier"

Immediately the air around Seokjin softened around him. She's with him.

"Guys, please go get everything done because we're leaving in twenty" So everyone ran back to their rooms to complete their fancy looks.

Since Y/N's dress had a long train, she needed to board a car with only two more passengers. The -un- lucky ones were Namjoon and Jungkook, one on each side of her.

"Are you nervous?" She asked RM looking up at him since her head rested on his shoulder.

"Not that much. My brain sometimes malfunction when speaking english"

She giggles at his answer "I'll help you translate, boss"

RM smiles knowing she always had her back, then places a short kiss on hwe forehead.

"And you, Jungkookie?" Adora asks as she squeezes lightly Kookie's hand that she's been holding since the drive started.

"I'm nervous, I want to win and practice my English during the speech" He said squeezing back Adora's hand.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now