- I'm missing half of me... -

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Once again, Adora is in a hurry. The first and only show she would give is about to start.

The idea started from her wish of performing her whole album but without giving a wrong message -such as she leaving the band and wanting to become a soloist- thus, her team organized the famous 'Once in a lifetime from Seoul'; the single concert she will offer with her songs only to the fans the liked her first mixtape.

She would've preferred a small theater with just two guitars, something personal. But the management insisted she gained lots of listeners and so she needed to throw a big party.

That's how she ended in the biggest stadium of Seoul, with a production at the level of whole Bangtan's concert. It was such a surprise for her to know that she made sold out in less than five minutes. She cried feeling bless at the amount of support she received, and then she cried saying that she wasn't ready to deal with all the concert by herself.

Now she's getting fitted the original dress of the album photoshoot in her body. Fits like a glove and the makeup is as glorious as the one in the pictures.

The golden heels tap up'n'down as she breathes inside a paper bag, again a panic attack but there's no one to help her. Her only two best friends, Hwasa and Felix are waiting for thw show in the VIP room; her sister in her special seat at the front row.

As she tries to steady her breathing, the nightmares chase her again but this time she's with eyes wide open. Imagining the guys rejecting her makes her want to cry more, but this time someone shakes her shoulders a little.

"My girl, if you cry you'll ruin your makeup! And you're looking beautiful! C'mon everything's gonna be alright"
Her make-up artist, who treats her like her own daughter, tries to calm her down.

It takes her around five minutes to regain composure; cheering herself at the thought of the first half of the concert being happy songs only.

She recieves her fans with the biggest smile and the most breathtaking scenarios, the happy songs making wonders. She only sang about the good things of life, loved ones and parties.
Until the last song of the first half arrived. 'Homestick', the song that drove her to fame.

The lights were off as the staff pulls the grand piano to the middle of the stage and some others place candles all around the floor for her to sing in the middle of their warm fire; fans helped the atmosphere to change to something more intimate when they chose to turn on their flashes.

Every word she sang while playing the piano, felt like needles slowly and painfully pricking her heart and hands. Adora was about to give up on the song when an specific flash in the VIP balcony caught her attention, even with the sea of lights in the crowd.

She turned her gaze a little, towards the VIP zone, surprised at the sight.
With blond hair in a kind of mullet, amd plump lips curved in a proud smile; Jimin holds his phone high to record her performance.

And just as her eyes start to feel wet, she takes a look to the shadow beside Jimin, a bulky and tall figure stands there, more earrings in his right ear than she remembers but with his hands trying to dry the tears the song made him drop. Jungkook's eyes are closed, that's the way she enjoys music better, but the corners of his mouth turn upwards, the same happy way Jimin's does.

That sight makes Y/N dorp a tear or two in front of all of the audience as the song gets to an end. The thought of them coming back to her gives her the enough strength to get ready for the second half of the concert.

She changed into something more organic and lighter. A dress, similar to the elegant gowns people use to sleep, covers her heavenly figure. The color green of the fabric accentuated the beautiful color of her skin. She chose to go on stage barefoot, to get a deeper connection with the show.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now