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"Not you Jimin! J-Hope is the one who opens the car! GET OUT OF THE SCENE!"

Finally the video for 'War of hormone' is being recorded.

Actually, none of the work of our past half a year has been developed. They want to have everything ready before announcing a great comeback with a new album.

In a kind of resumee of the new video: The boys are attracted to the same girl and try to get her attention. Who's the girl? Me
This time the girl only answers one of the seven purposes, but we still don't decide who's the one I choose at the end of the video. They say it would be a 'rock-paper-scissors' battle if I don't choose one.

Oh! And this time the director won. I'm wearing a black dress with sneakers twice bigger my size, at least my hair is looking naturally straightened.

"Fine... Y/N, pass in front of Hoseok, as practiced. Ready? ACTION!"

Hoseoks articulates the words in the song while I roll my eyes towards him when passing by.

We keep on walking straight till we arrive to the fountain.

"CUT! Everyone here for the dance"

I'm in the main place, this is the part where I describe my ideal type features as part of the lyrics.

To be honest, I didn't find much images of an ideal type, and because I didn't want to end up describing Jungkookie, I used the image of one of the vocalists in this british band I'm fan of.

'Tall, green eyed, curly hair and heavy voice'

The dance came up very well, now we're in the final part, our collective dance in the school gym and then me hugging one of them.

"Let's start with the dance! Everyone in position!"

Those were about ten shoots of the same dance, but it's okay. That's what we do.

"NOW! Let's get the hugging scene~"

The director is apparently more excited about the idea for the ending.

"Okay- Let's see~ Who of them matches your ideal type~"

Let's get things clear.

"Well- First of all, I don't have an ideal type, so hyungs, don't get-"

"Aww, that's so sweet, noona. She doesn't want you to fight over m-"
"None of them is my ideal type, tho"

Tss~ you spoke too fast, Jungkookie.

"Oh... I- we don't match your ideal type?" Jungkook makes is tone a sad one.

"It is not like that Jungkookie, I said I don't hav- You know what, I'll let the Director-nim choose one of you"

"Great! I mean- I was analyzing your lyrics and their features before the recording... You definitely match with Taehyungie~"

He pushes me beside V, then looking attentively to the image we give together

"YES! That's the image! Now as practiced, wait for her to get close to you-"

"Nonono, look twice please, director-nim! She's ugly! I'm pretty!"


"Oh no! He's the one with a rat face! Please, Director-nim, think about it again"

"And you don't get along! Perfect, you see? Opposites attracts~"

We exchange looks, up and down like analyzing each other.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now