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I sit down trying to deal with the mess inside my head when I feel warm arms hugging me like if I was a baby.

"Shhh... It's okay baby, let it all out"

My body immediately reacted to the voice that tried to calm me down, clinging closer to his embrace.
While he was gently running his fingers through my hair, I slowly stopped the tears, the erratic breathing became long paused breathing and there is no more sound of the flashes, just the air hitting the trees around the stadium and his calming voice calling me baby.

After what it felt like an eternity, I finally came back to my usual mind, so I spoke, but without letting go of Namjoon's arms.

"I was a bitch with you all, right?"
A sob scaping my mouth while asking.
He laughs a little, his hand stops his movements.

"We didn't really like how the F word sounded in your lips, but you were right, we should've interrupted the discussion"

I sigh out of sadness, I shouldn't have reacted like that. Then he adds
"This is going to be a hard concert, uh?"

I sit properly beside him, letting go of his hug.

"I finally understand what Hoseok-ssi meant, I'll separate my private problems of stage. Don't worry, tonight's concert will be beyond perfect, Namjoon-ssi"

And as I promised, the concert was beautiful, even if we didn't share the same language, the message was the same, we're a big family full of love.

The first part of the concert was funny, and when I was waiting for my solo number to come, Yoongi sits besides me.

"You didn't tell us the whole problem when she first arrived, that's why we thought it wasn't a big deal"
"Let it go, hyung..."
"No. We are a family, that's why you should've told us everything, so we could help and not let you handle all this problems alone"

I sigh and meet his gaze

"I thought I could handle it alone-"
"You helped me step over what dragged me down that time, remember?"

I drop my face to my lap where my fingers play nervously and then the flashbacks of me and Hoseok driving Yoongi to therapy come to my mind.

"I will be the same way for you, we all be. Just let us in"

I look at him back again and he gives me the hint of a smile.

"Suga-ssi! You are next!"

He stands up and caress my cheek before leaving to his solo performance. A small smile scapes my lips, they are willing to help.

The rest of the concert goes by a bit harder because the tension was heard in J-Hope's voice while giving his final speech. I tried to play it cool standing beside Namjoon, knowing that his presence would give me the strength to speak from heart to ARMY and not let my private business distract me from my main goal.

Then when we're back at the hotel, I make my sister hit bed earlier than usual while I have a serious talk with the rest of the band.

"... That's why I need to keep and eye on her"

They all silently nod, understanding the background story of my unstable state.

"And I obviously owe you an apology, hyung" I look at Jin, who's sitting across from me "I didn't have to answer that rudely to you or Hoseok-ssi, I'm sorry" I bow deeply towards them "I'll work on my temper"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now