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"Yes, boss?" Her voice sounds mockingly, like it always does when she calls him 'her boss'
"Come here"

The girl opens her eyes wide, he never speaks in this tone, just when he gets angry after bad interviews.

The boy beside her gets surprised when the girl opened her eyes like that.

"T-To your studio?" She suddenly changes languages because he sounded serious.


The girl takes her phone far from her ear because he's already hanged the phone.

"I told you we should've just told him we'd met with the '97 liners"
"And he would never let us go!"
"But if we scaped after telling him our plans, he would've been less mad"

The girl roll her eyes and the boy looks at her with concern.
The maknaes never disobey her Namjoon Hyung, yet Y/N's hormones have been in a rush after she started dating her very first boyfriend.

"I knew this shit would get us in trouble"
"Even though, you take me there, and you also spend quality time with our friends, didn't you, Jungkookie?"

This time the boy doesn't speak since it's true. Their tight agenda doesn't allow them to hang out with friends that often, and he really missed their friends, that's why he accepted going out.

"Can you go with me? Angry Kim Namjoon still scares me" The girl asks knowing they always protect each other.

"Th- No? But-"
"Blablabla- He called you, not me, don't run away, you coward"

They look at each other intensively. Trying to show each other how hurt they feel.

Y/N turns on her plataform boots feeling hurted by the way her Jungkookie will let her be scolded because of something both did.

On the other hand, he feels hurted too; but not exactly because she wanted him to listen to the sermon Namjoon has for her, but because she has already an occupied heart, and he's not the one who owns the place.

He watched his close friend fall for his biggest girl crush, and he couldn't stop him. He witnessed her biggest girl crush let the boy surround her with flirty actitudes, until one day she confessed Jungkookie she was thinking about giving him an opportunity after the third declaration.

At this point he was feeling just empty.

He wanted all of his noona's attention back, but he also wanted to be the one that she loves. Does she really loves her new boyfriend?

The plataform boots sound all the way through the hallway until she reaches the door frame. The old studio number 1 now belongs to Namjoon under the name of Rkive.

She knocks twice and she hears the 'come in', entering and closing immediately.

She turns around to find Namjoon sitting on his desk, aura scarier that ever.

"I-I'm Here...!"

That dragon like eyes, which always amazed her, now turn to be scary.

"How the hell do you dare to go out for some drinks after the fucking fansign?"
His tone was low and slow, that's what makes the girl shake in her place.

"Don't you dare to lie to me, Y/N... You promised it" The last words sounded less angry, more like a pleading.

"I can't lie to you, Namjoon-ssi. My heart is- I'm not able to"
She's looking at her feet. And she's speaking truth, there's something in her heart that aches any time she tried to hide or lie about something to RM.

"I went to Itaewon... for some drinks with the '97 liners, I-"
"Say 'we'. There are pictures, Adora. Jungkook was there too"

She lets out a worried exhalation, he was dragged there by her own hands, poor bunny.

"So... we went out for some drinks with the '97 liners, sorry Namjoon-ssi"
She looks into his eyes, but there's something else dancing in his.

"And who's the one you're kissing?"
"What?! I dunn-"
"I-It wasn't Jungkookie"
"Evidently not"

The girl wonders what does that mean.

Namjoon was referring to the fact that, if the date guy was Jungkookie, he wouldn't be that depressed these past days, he seems off, like someone stole his light, and RM finally 'found the robber'

"Ugh- He i-is Eunwoo" She confesses defeated

"One of your best friends?" Rather that a questionable tone, it sounded like astonishment, he never expected her to flirt in front of Jungkook's face. That must've hurt like hell.

"Well, he's not my bestfriend anymore since we are d- well, yes... he's my bestfriend"

He's now worried about Jungkook's feelings, he might be really sad.
"And what does Jungkook thinks about this?"

Her face lights up a little, her Kookie is so precious and supportive.
"He is okay with that, he told us he supports our relationship"

"I'm not against you dating people... But since you have been irresponsible, I'll let you manage the media by yourself"


"It is not a threat, but you better be careful with Bangtan image, I've had enough with Bangtan's scandals during this year"

She can't speak right now, she always has her Nam to help her fight versus the media, and now... she's all by herself?

"You better go now, I need to finish this shit before midnight"

Her eyes immediately lose that sparkle they have whenever she talks to RM, he never treated her like that.

"I'm so sorry, hyung" And she closes the door without any other noise heard.

Few seconds later, he holds his head between his hands, elbows resting over the desk.

He has been feeling certain way towards the little girl, he's older than her and he promised himself to look after her like the older brother he is. But he couldn't help it when the girl is so gentle and bright by his side. Whenever they spend time together, he feels like he can be himself, and she would never judge, but love the way he is. And she fits like the missing puzzle piece in his arms and his heart.

That romantic song has imprinted her soft voice when she calls her 'Nam', her thin arms wrapped around his torso whenever they hug, cause she's too small to reach comfortably his shoulders. That loud laugh she lets out whenever he unconsciously acts clumsy, and her lips, oh... that lips, the ones she places all over his cheeks when he's feeling down, and that he whishes one day, would be able to feel over his own, she must taste like the sweetest yet spicy marshmallow, is that possible?

He was just wandering around her features drawn inside is mind, but he already knew what was the answer to the unasked question:

The answer? Love.

Short but I thought it would be funny to give spoilers of the future 🔮

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