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Taehyung skips happily towards the said girl, that happened to be in the same hallway as him.

"What happened, Tae?~" She mocks the tone in Taehyung's voice.

"What are you doing after five?"
"After five? Uhm... Meeting with Yoongi in his studio, why?"
"Yoongi hyung, uh?" Another clue for the boy.

"Yes... why?" She asks again.
"Cancel it, we're having a date today!"
"A... what?"
"Date! Should I make a remembrance of the past months about you and me?"

The girl's face turns vivid red.
"Nope. I do remember"

"Then I'll meet you in the reception at five" He leaves but not without kissing the girl's nose.


The dinner was fabulous, traditional Korean food never fails to fill both of their hearts and stomachs

But now that they're back in the car, there's an awkward silence and Taehyung inevitably brings the topic that makes both feel uneasy.

"Why did you disappeared after I confessed?"

V gives a short glance to Adora, but she is just looking at her hands over her lap.

"Okay, I'll change the question, an easier one... Do you have something with the motorcyclist from the other day?"

"No, I don't. She's a friend I met few months ago" She explains.
"Okay. Next question... Do you have something with Yoongi hyung"

Cold sweat starts running down her temples and without her noticing, Taehyung pulled to the side of an empty road.

She doesn't want to lie to Tae about her current situation, it would feel like she's denying the love she has for Suga, but again, she doesn't want to hurt Taehyung.

So once she feels Taehyung's complete attention over her, she only shakes her head.

That's enough for V to release the air he unconsciously held while waiting for her answer.

"God~ I thought I've already lost you! I saw you so so close to hyung but it didn't make sense since he wasn't competing but now that you tell me this... Ah~ I still have an opportunity, right?"

Adora looks at her, happy to see Tae smiling so bright, though she doesn't answer the last question.

"What happened between you and Jimin?"

That's a question that bopped in her mind the second he asked for an opportunity.

It is Taehyung's time to sigh at the question while leaving the car, appearing few seconds later in front of Y/N's door, opening it so she can exite and sit the hood of the car beside him.

"I love you... but you already knew that" He starts "And you also knew that I loved Jimin like in the very first second we met"

She listens carefully. Enjoying Taehyung's soft voice and perfect side profile lighten by the sunset.

"We haven't talked since all of this started but we never really fought... so I guess we just need to talk and clarify it"

She hums not so satisfied at the answer.

"Look. It's simple, really" V holds his own hands, intertwining his fingers "This is my heart" He said "If I split it like this" He now spread his hands "This side is full of Jimin" He shows his left hand "And this side..." He extends his right hand for Adora "This side is full of you, only you"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now