- XXXI -

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"This time is harder, last time they almost take me out of the waiting room"
"That's why I'm asking you... If it's sure thing you'll come... I'll ask the security for letting you in without problem"
"Okay... I'll scape from this place just to meet you, my girl"

I'm still not used to listen to that pet name. It's so... weird, I sometimes forget we are in an official relationship.

"Ohh! I have a surprise for you! Someone you know contacted me... you'll be so damn happy!"
"Just concentrate in getting the permission to assist to our concert, okay?"
"Okay... I'll go get the permission"
"Okay then, bye"
"Bye, love"

And he hanged up. It's about two months since we started dating, and specifically right now, it's the last show of our 'experimental' tour.

"Who's assisting to our concert?"
"Namjoon-ssi! You scared me, haha"
"Get ready, we start in 20"
"Yes, coming!"

They don't know (yet) about me having a boyfriend, and adding the fact that they don't like him, makes me think about hiding our relationship.

I'm ready for the last of eight shows. Past shows, surprisingly, crowd welcomed me with some cheering and few 'boo's but it's okay, not everyone likes everything so, I can live with it as long as I stay in the band.

But for everyone's surprise, the first half of the concert, before our pause to change outfits; crowd went crazy over me, in a cool way. I have never heard cheering as loud as today, so that made my ego go up, a bust of adrenaline runs through my veins and I can't help but give my everything on that stage.

Not until V pushed me from behind while doing a choreography so I could mess it up. Thanks to Namjoon who held me with is right hand and I didn't hit the ground.
He worked so discreet that it looked like I made a mistake, tho, it was his hands on my back whom made me slip.

Going down the stage after finishing the last concert, I didn't waste a second I confront Taehyung. I've been patient with this guy and try to keep my courses in my mind, but I got enough  and when it happens, I explode.

"YA! Taehyung, what's your problem with me? Would you mind talking out loud instead of pushing me during a  performance?"

"Talk to me with respect, girl. I don't know what you're talking about"
He's looking at me with a mocking grind on his face, of course he wouldn't accept his acts.

"I clearly feel you pushing me during 'Bulletproof', I'm not going to let it happen again"

He gets close to my face and speaks slowly.

"And what would you do if I don't stop? Fight me? You would never..."

This bitch...

"You don't know me, I don't pretend you to do it, but stop... we should work peacefully, okay?"
"You even declined the fight... Coward"

And he pushed my left shoulder with two fingers. Okay, I'm done.

"Son of a-"

"Taehyung! You're here, I need to talk to you"
"Yes Hyung, coming"

Namjoon appears out of nowhere and stops a fist fight. They might not know but I practiced Taekwondo for three years because of my father, I can kick his tall ass.

Taehyung smiles innocently at me again and jumps towards our leader.


I turn to my back and face a security guard.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now