- XLVI -

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Namjoon's POV

Today is Y/N's birthday, and we're planning on celebrating it the Bangtan way.

Jimin, as always, is the cake fairy and managed to investigate her favorite flavor is chocolate.

We are all in a hurry, we woke up early since we needed to practice our rap but dividing the lines for four people now; Yoongi thought a good birthday gift was letting her interpret Cypher pt. 3, the song she's been craving for since we created it.

Yes, looks like Suga hyung now gets along with the girl. I'm happy about that, the atmosphere between us eight is way lighter and completely comfortable when we work together.

After that early practice, we continue running in the middle of the rehearsal for today's concert in Daujeon; Jimin is nowhere to be seen, he disappeared along with Jungkook. We know they went out to the nearest bakery but you should never trust teenagers at all, not when they've been living from stage to the hotel room and viceversa.

"Where are the missing kids, Namjoon?"

I'm the responsible by now because I let them go out, damn.

"They were about to arrive, give us ten minutes and we'll start the rehearsal"
"Just five"
"Five, thank you"

He walks away but someone else approaches me.

"Boss, have you seen Jungkookie? He has my earpiece from the last concert and-"
"Go look for him at the back of the scenario, he might be there"

I'm not risking the surprise but I surely am risking our practice before the concert.


Jimin and Jungkook walk proudly towards us. Finally.

"And the cake?"
"It is in our dressing room, should we start now?"
"Wait, where is she?"
"Oh, I sent her to the back of the stage, she's looking for Jungkook and her earpiece"

That's our sign to get the dressing room ready.

We rush to the small room that now is fully covered with pink and red balloons. Jungkook tried to investigate her favorite color but she said she likes the whole rainbow, then we chose pink, but Yoongi said it was to 'girly' so we put also red ones.

"Be careful with the cake, don't drop it"
"Turn off the lights"
"Wait no! Someone go look for Y/N, she might be looking for Jungkook!"

It is a chaos but we're trying our best, okay?

As a collective gift we got her a cool windbreaker for tonight's performance, matching the rest of the rap line's ones. And judging by the sweaty hands of Jungkook, he might got something else for her.

Inside the dressing room, we listen to the far voices of Y/N and Taehyung.

"But you need to close your eyes"
"That's... suspicious- You remember we're friends now, right Tae?"
"Yes we are! But close your eyes!"



Then finally the handle turns to its left and Adora enters, V behind her covering her eyes.

"1, 2, 3!" We sing the famous birthday song and she's just there standing awkwardly in front of us.

We clap and cheer for her at the end of the song.

"Wow I- Thank you hyungs this is-"

And she starts crying. Oh no...

"Don't cry A-" I try to run to her side but Jungkook on her other side and Jimin who's holding the cake, had the same idea ending the situation in a four-person hug with the cake between us. Well damn.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now