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After five more dates in our schedule during a month, we're finally at Daegu. The one I'm supposed to call home.

I'm definitely not attached to this city, nor any other.

"FINALLY HERE~ Y/N-ie, I'm gonna introduce you to my parents tonight, they'll love you~"
"Yeah, after all, we're friends and they love my friends"

After that dark episode in Taehyung's life, we decided to check constantly on our mental health, I mean, it wasn't nice to see Taehyung crying like that. But the good thing here is that the constant fight between V and Adora has ended, now the maknaes are inseparable, like best friends of whole life.

He invited his family to the tonight's concert, so do I. I actually just told my family I would visit the city for a concert but I'm not expecting that much of them, I just expect my brother to appear.

"Fighting hyung, they'll come" Namjoon knows the whole situation, and he gets to imagine what's running through my mind but I just need to focus on the job I have to do, and not in that dumb feelings.

The boys and the little girl decided to go out and have some lunch enjoying the fresh air Daegu offers, but I can't deal with the idea of stepping the same ground as my progenitors, remembering the hate I've let grown inside me towards them, I just can't even breathe properly so, evidently, this still a delicate topic for me.

"Yoongi hyung?" A high-pitched voice calls my name from the other side of the door.

"Uhm- we brought you food... Jin oppa said you like gimbap..."

I open the door seeing Adora holding a paper bag that smells delicious.

"Tell hyung I said thanks" And I close the door again. I'm not in the mood for visits.

I hear her steps fading away and then more steps coming back, this time the one outside didn't knock the door, just opens and enters the room we're sharing.

"Isolating yourself won't make the pain go away"
"I don't like company, either"
"Thank you! I'll stay here, then"

He sits in front of me opening the paper bag with the food inside.

"I bought an extra gimbap for me, so let's eat"

He might look annoying but he's one of the few people I trust, he's a wonderful guy.
I don't think that much and grab the iced americano Jin bought for me.

"I would like to ask you if you're ready for tonight but it would make you go back to the topic so... let's talk about... your mixtape! How's it going?"

"Still working on it... I've been thinking..."
"Um-uhm..." His mouth full of food makes me hungry so I give the gimbap a bite.
"I wanted to ask the maknae for some chorus, her voic-"
"Her? So your talking about the little Y/N, am I right?"
"Agh- you know what? I'll think about it by myself"
"It's okay! I mean it was weird since you want to keep her far away from you~"
"She's- okay! Let's forget about this. Where are the rest?"

Time flies when you're with Jin and his contagious laughter, so now we're ten minutes apart to start the concert.

I don't mind that much about concert. I'm working hard, yes, but my eyes are looking for two adults in the crowd, tho I only get to spot my good older brother.

Well damn.

We finish the concert, till the last song and I can't help but feel exhausted, sad? Maybe disappointed, I don't really know what I'm feeling.

Taehyung's parents arrived at the backstage and we greet them enthusiastically. V kept his word and introduced Adora as part of the group and his personal friend. Of course that charming smile of her makes mom and dad receive her with open arms and a big smile, she's getting all the attention she needs, I guess.

"Hey Yoongi-ah! You did great up there, buddy!"

My brother appears by my side while hugging me, I return the hug expecting to get some information about my parents but he just shakes his head, no parents.

As expected.

"I promise you I'll try my best next time, and they'll finally know the great artist you are"
"It's okay, it was my last try"

I let go of my brother and she's looking at me, pity written in her eyes.

I ignore everything that's going on and help to hurry the goodbyes since I want to reach my room for once.

Now laying in one of the benches of the bar inside the hotel, I hold a bottle of whiskey, wanting to finally swallow all of the bitter memories that got stuck in my throat.

"Alcohol won't help the pain"
"Now you steal Jin's words or what?"
"I saw you earlier and couldn't avoid thinking about the fact that I've been in that situation... I'm still living that nightmare, actually"
"And you pretend to help me if you are as fucked as me?"
"Talking always help"
"I'm not Taehyung"
"I didn't say that"

We remind quiet for few seconds.

Suddenly she takes the bottle out of my hands, I was about to protest for her childish behavior when she pins the bottle to her mouth and gets a good taste of the drink.

"You-" Am I that drunk to get this hallucinations?

"I honestly prefer Vodka, it's sweeter"
"You're undera-"
"How do you think I dealt with my shitty parents?"
"Namjoon and Seokjin think you are and angel, but look at you, the devil in disguise"
"You don't have the right to judge when you act that cold towards the ones that care about you"
"Who cares? You?" I laugh bittersweet
"Me and the rest of the boys! Tonight's 'Rain' felt sadder..."
"Sorry... didn't mean to ruin the performance"

She pads my shoulder.

"It's okay, I mean the song was meant to be for that kind of sad feelings, right?"

I nod slowly. And surprisingly, the next hour, I forget about triggering thoughts or about drinking from that bottle again.

Her lips didn't touched the bottle again and I'm glad about that, I wouldn't like to see her as deep in trouble as I am.

Her strategy worked, holding the bottle with the hand that's far from me and entertaining me with our own sad memories makes me feel a bit relaxed, even sleep starts to hit my body as her voice feels soft while narrating how her luch date with the others was.

"Thank you" I finally say when she finishes the storytime.
"Told you it was better if you talked"
"You talked most of the time"
"Well, that means we must meet again and this time you'll tell me more of your stories"

I smile at her and then yawn.

"I'm sleepy too"
"Let's go to bed then"

And I extend a hand out for her. She looks at it suspiciously.

"No hidden intentions! I'll just walk you to your room"

She finally takes my hand and stands up. I put a bill in the table bar and we exit towards the lift, too exhausted to take the stairs.

"What time is it, Yoongi hyung?"

She yawns evidently more exhausted than before and I look at my phone.

"2:18 a.m."
"Wow... we really need to sleep..."

The sound that anounces our floor stops and the doors open. We walk side to side till we arrive to the room she has for herself.

"Good night, little Y/N"

She smiles softly.

"Good night, hyung"

And she disappears behind the white door.

I'm not getting attached to her, but being this close to her feels nice, she's nice.


𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now