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The arrival wasn't as pleasant as I imagined, the sky was painted gray, wind and the warning of a storm were the news that welcomed me to Malta, the chosen place to stay for my 'Recovery'.

Not too far or close to them, not so eye-catching for the media and with happy memories for me. The place I'll be staying was small, four rooms including my recording studio and a big window in front of my sofa, that gifted me the scenery full of light, wet sand and endless sea.

As promised, the first thing I did after sitting in front of the window was calling my sister.

"Hey, Y/N! Did you arrive well?"
"Yes... There was some turbulence but I'm here now"
"How's it? Sunny? Full of parties?"

I chuckle at her question. She's aware of the main points of our situation and the reasons why I needed to leave. She agreed with me about choosing Malta as my current location.

"Actually no... It's quite windy... It may rain later at night"
"That's not good... When are you coming back, sister?"

It hurted me to leave her like that, but the boss was right, I need to heal too.

"I don't know... It won't be next week for sure..."
"I miss you, sister"
"I'm sorry for leaving you like that, but I really need to work on me and that mixtape right now"
"Will I be allowed to visit you?"
"Yes... uhmm... Maybe next month, I'll arrange everything but meanwhile... Take care of yourself, obey Ms. Choi and Hye-Jin, she will visit you from time to time, you remember her, right?"
"Yeah, Hwasa unnie"
"Yes, her... Be nice until I come back, okay?"
"I'll try... I love you... see you soon"

I cut the call breathing in and out heavily, to get ready for the next call.

"Hey! How was the flight?!"
"Fucking turbulences and me overthinking didn't let me sleep" With Hye-Jin I can be more honest.

"I can imagine... But, more important, how are you?"

The knot in my throat gets tighter and I fell the need to suppress a sob.

"I ruined it all, Hwasa"
"No love! Well, yes... It got a bit messy but there's nothing time can't heal, uh? Take your time to write! That must help you put your feelings in order"
"W- What if... What i- if they hate me now?" The thought of losing them makes me cry harder.

"I don't think they'd do... I mean, Namjoon, the one I know the most... wouldn't do that, like... He talks always so fond of you, at least he won't..."
"He's the most furious right now"
"Oh" I can almost picture her looking for more reassurance words for me to hear "They have always seemed to love you so... give'em some time, okay? Give yourself some time too... Write, produce as you only know... and you'll see them again all healed"

I breath out, trying to stop the tears "Thanks, Hye"
"I'm here for you always, okay?" She said as a yawn sounds on the other side of the call, I almost forgot we have different time zones.

"It most be late there, go to sleep and I'll text you about my progress"
"Baby, you'll better do! Now I'm going to sleep, I have a performance tomorrow"
"Fighting! You'll do perfect"
"Thank you~ Take care~"

I press the red button in my phone and the call ends.

Heal myself? How do I do that?

The buzzing of my phone breaks the train of thoughts I started to gather while looking at the window. Yoongi.

Picking up is the wrong answer, my brain knows it, though, my finger has already swiped over the screen to answer the call.

I can't say anything, my tears falling silently to my heart content, I'm only waiting for the other side of the line to say something.

"Darling" The first word that reaches my ear is that pet name and my crying intensifies "I... know you might need some space right now but... I-" He sighs through the phone, and I almost can feel the pain leaving his nostrils "I just needed to hear your voice... I'm kinda surprised you answered" He giggles in the middle of his monologue "Things got a bit crazy after you left the press conference so... I don't know... I might just needed to hear you saying you love me..."

My head spins like it'll do after riding a roller-coaster, his voice is one of the seven voices I didn't need to hear or my mind would go crazy again.

"I... G- Give me some time... and I'll tell you in person"

The line gets dead silent as I can imagine how he runs his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Please don't take an eternity to think"
And he cut the call. I sink even more in the sofa and hug my knees, I'm scared of my future... our future.

The phone buzzes once again but this time someone I can actually talk to. Felix.

"Adorable Adora! I saw something terrible on internet! How are you?! Is it true?! Did those bastards defended you?!"

His question through the phone hit my eardrums 100 miles per hour and his worried tone makes me giggle between tears.

"Yes, it's true... We posted the picture accidentally"
"Yoongi, I assume"
"Yeah... Those... guys didn't defended me, they got mad and, according to Yoongi's last call... things got worse after I left the press conference"
"Well... It'd got messy if you tried to date all of them without them knowing"
"I know" I sigh, rubbing my eyes after accepting I should've talk to them earlier "I'm dumb for this love shits"

"I mean, yeah, you look dumb... but you don't need to suffer like this, love" His sarcastic joke followed by a worried sentence makes me chuckle a little, lightening the mood

"Hwasa said I need to heal and put an order to my feelings"
"She's right, love"

I look out the window for a second... what if I try but my feelings don't change?

"You won't heal from today to tomorrow, take your time... don't pressure yourself... Look! If you want... I can visit you, we'll have some snacks and-"
"Felix?" He doesn't know about my change of location.
"Yes, Adorable?"
"I left the country"

He reminds quiet and then laughs almost maniacally
"Good joke, now... you don't want to see me?"
"No no, for real! Boss made me left the country  nobody but Hwasa, my sister and now you, know about it... I can go back only after my solo mixtape is out"
"My... And when would it be?"
"I don't know... I just have two or three songs ready by now"
"God... That'll take some time, then"
"Yes... I'm sorry Felix"
"Don't worry... I'll visit you if I'm allowed to... just remember to heal and don't cry too much"

We bid farewells and again, I come back from thoughts to the lonely place inside my new house. Dark sky and city lights give me company, but my heart still feels empty.
How am I supposed to climb out of the rabbit hole I made myself fall into?

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now