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Arriving home after the boys left, gave me a peaceful drive, but as soon as I enter my room, an angry Yoongi receives me inside.

Sitting in the edge of the bed, arms  crossed over his chest and sharp eyes glaring at me.

"How was your romantic reunion, Y/N?"

Oh, he's angry.

"No 'Darling' for me this time?" I ask pouting.

"You literally met this dude who was your first love and you expect me to be all lovely and relaxed?"

Or he's jealous.

"I just greeted his bandmates, they're my fans~" I stand in front of him and crouch a bit so my eyes meet directly his "And... Aren't you, perhaps, my boyfriend?"

"You know I've never liked him, he's too friendly with you"

Yoongi hugs my waist, resting his face in my abdomen and this sends chills to my spine.

"He's cute" I comb his brown locks "But you're way cuter, to be honest"

He chuckles still hiding in my body and then places a kiss in the middle of my belly, this time the shivers in my body are more evident for the boy who caused them.

"Is that so?" He asked while placing another kiss in my belly "What else can you tell about what made you chose me instead of him?"

"I'm not into comparing people and you know that" But he looks at me with soft eyes, like asking for kind words "A praising kink, I see~" I smirk down at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, your personality is hot, for sure"
He lets out a deep chuckle and my knees start feeling weak. But just like a mind reader, he pulls from my knees to make me sit on his lap, my legs resting on each side of his.

"What else made you chose me?" He asked while peppering open mouth kisses from my jaw to my shoulder.

"Your smile is like wow! Makes my heart flutter like crazy" Humming pleased over my skin while asking again 'What else?' makes me feel the room ten times warmer than it actually is, so I decided to tease a bit.

"Also because I didn't know where he was... like I could've looked for him a-"

My words are stopped when he tosses me over the mattress in a matter of seconds, changing our positions so now I'm under him.

"Are you kidding me? Look for him?"
His relaxed demeanor disappeared as soon as he pins my hands above my head.

"You're dumb" I roll my eyes "I closed that story the day we were forced to break up. The only one I'm thinking from now on is you" And I raise my head to meet his lips, trying to make him understand Felix is now only a good gift from the past.

My mind is only full of him. My heart is full of them seven.

"Okay" He said breaking the heated kiss "Maybe if you kiss me like that once more... I might forget you met him today"
"You jealous ass" I say kissing him again, but this time slower.

"Can't help it if I have such a gorgeous girlfriend" He answers and kisses me while his hands drive to my waist and then to my hips.

Some whimpers left my lips as he keeps on tracing my body with his hands under my clothes, the coldness of his rings adding something else to my body and just as his right hand starts to sneak down my thigh... Someone knocks on the door loudly and repeatedly, like if a happy song we were talking about.

He lets all of his weight to fall over me like in defeat and I groan frustrated at the one who knocked on the door.

"Sunshine? Did I wake you up? Sorry~ I was w-"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now