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The road back to the hotel was hard. She didn't cry immediately because she said she wouldn't like people to stare at her while crying, but arriving to the shared hotel room with two individual beds, she sitted in the first one, covering her eyes with her hands, elbows resting in her thighs as she cries her soul out.

She didn't expected the warmest welcome, but she definitely didn't see the slap coming. Or her father calling her 'bitch' just because he misunderstood Jin's presence.

Jin doesn't have the right words to  make her feel better, he doesn't have words in his mind actually, so he holds her small figure in his arms, carrying her like a baby.

She hides her face in the crook of Jin's neck, hands around his waist as she cries now less loud. He passes one hand over her long black hair while the other hand rests in her waist making circles with his thumb.

After what feels like thousand hours, she stops her sobs and he dares to talk.

"I'm so sorry, little Y/N..." She fixes her place in Jins embrace and he continues "I didn't thought things were going to happen this... horrible"

He can't deal with the silence she's making while processing his words, so he acts again, kissing her exposed temple and whispering one more time:
"I'm so sorry, my little Y/N"

"You don't have to, you had good intentions about fixing the relationship... And I even thought it was possible too... But they're still the shitty parents I left in London"
"I'm sorry, Y/N"

She leaves her embrace just to sit beside him, holding his hand without looking at him in the eyes.

"I'm hungry"

The sudden change of topic takes Jin aback but he still answers.

"Me too... Uh- let's call room service..."

He holds the phone but then thinks it twice...
"Can you like... ask for... it...?"

One hour later and they're eating typical Mexican food, that happened to be delicious, tho, Jin still misses his instant noodles.

"And may I ask... what did they... say...?"
"Right, you need a translator here"

She tries to joke a little but it sounded more like a sad statement.

"They didn't like the idea of me and my sister communicating through the years, I tried to keep her out of the problem but it was useless because my- m- mom called me a lier... that was the reason of the slap. And my father called me a bitch, and suggested my sister to follow their rules before ending like me"

Jin was surprised... How can someone hate this beautiful soul for perusing her dreams and keeping contact with her only loved one?

"They are truly idiots. YOU ARE SUCCESSFUL! Let them see you in two or three years, when we get to travel around the world and they'll come back apologizing"

Her mind was changing right now, his words and her thoughts were mixing, turning on that switch she was aware of but never needed (or dared) to use.

"They'll regret about this"

And that was, indeed, the switch that made her lost hope of a good happy family. She will just care, protect and look after her and the few ten people she loves.

A la mierda con los demás.

"From now on, hyung... I won't cry for them... nor anybody else who doesn't deserve it"

She looks so secure, like if the broken heart just made her stronger.

"This time I won't fail you, I promise"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now