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Y/N applauds happily at the sight of the pictures shown in the videocall with her creative team.

Those pictures were perfect for her album. The photos were taken in Rome, on the lapse of a week, fast and effective work the one her team did.

"This is supposed to be the the album cover and for the song we have this"

The pale man in the video call shows two different photos, the first one with Y/N in a silk white dress, surrounded by different tints of green nature and a kiosk in the background that cages her figure, resting in a similar pose to Venus birth from Botticelli, that was the album cover.

For the first single, she would have en inside of a Renaissance castle, a piano to the right of the picture and she sitting in the middle, her lavander dress  turning her in the brightest spot of the picture.

"I love them! Can't wait to see this on the billboards!" Adora's smile widening at the thought of her music being listened and appreciated by local and international fans and maybe managing to touch others hearts, even if they didn't follow her since she started with Bangtan.

"Well, if you agreed with all the concepts we can send this to the official websites and the global performance will be held in New York as planned"

"Perfect, I'm looking forward the next steps" She smiles to the faces on her laptop screen.

"For the moment you need to keep on practicing the song on the piano, the dressmaker will visit you this friday to fix the details of the lavander dress and we'll give you the details of the performance in New York in a document that I'm sending right now"

An email notification popped in the screen and she smiled at it.

"I'll read it as soon as we finish here"
"There's nothing more to discuss at the moment, so we shall dismiss everyone here... and Y/N, please make sure to keep that practicing for a perfect debut"

The videocall ends but the small smile doesn't disappear from her features while reading in a little voice the details of her next performance after a year.

In New York for 'The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon'...
Next October 5th, that is... two months from now, great!

That also will be the release date of her solo mixtape, but she's just performing the main song of the album: 'Homestick'

Her heart throbs a bit at the memory of the song's origin... That was the first song Namjoon gifted her, before he left her in the northern countries of Europe, during their first Bon Voyage.

"I can fucking do this!" She cheers for herself, eyes still glued to the text in front of her.

She's giving herself a pep talk about her upcoming performance, when her phone rings to her left side.

She slides her finger across the screen without bothering to read the ID caller.

"Let me guess" She giggles through the phone not giving a second for the person in the other side of the line to greet her "You got lost on your way from the market... again"

Felix was on a two weeks-vacation in Malta, to visit her bestfriend during her creative process, and whenever she held videoconferencing like the one today, he would offer to buy the groceries by himself, instead of waiting until Y/N finishes her reunions.
Yesterday the australian man called her to pick him back from the market, he got lost, that's why she was waiting the deep voice of Felix to ask for help.

However, there was whole different situation on the other side of the line.

In a pitch dark room, Jungkook sits all on the floor, the moon and a lamppost of the empty streets in Seoul giving him just the enough lighting to identify his surroundings. His heart stopping for a moment at the sound of her deep english accent and the giggles that made his whole body shiver.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now