- I know that you're not something to lose -

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The boat rocked from side to side because of the the sea full of life.

Kim Ahreum was fast asleep in a bedroom below deck, while the Kim brothers enjoyed their fishing session in a private boat Seokjin personally booked.

Jin has been planning this reunion for a week, but he was still nervous, why?

Since Kim Seokjin became Bangtan's eldest brother, he would be the one giving advice and scolding the wrong doings of the rest; this was the first time in a long time that Jin would ask his older brother for some advice, love department, to be exact.

Yet Jin's mouth felt dry, not able to articulate any coherent phrases.

Seokjung, the oldest brother, sighs and fixes his posture over the chair his sitting in.

"Seokjin-ah" The said man turned his face to the voice "If you want to say something say it already because your leg bouncing rapidly and your mouth rhythmically open and closing like a fish out of the water are getting me crazy"

Yes, oldest brothers know better.

"It's about Y/N... are you going to listen?" Jin asked, still unsure of his own move.

"Bet you invited me just to get my advice, so I guess I have no other option" Seokjung smirked at Jin, who got flustered as he was caught in the middle of his plan.

"I'm sorry"
"Nah~" The oldest man smiled sweeter this time "I'm your older brother for a reason, so please talk, I'm listening"

It's now turn for Seokjin to smile more relaxed, consulting his brother was the best option.

"We fought... and I didn't saw her for a year... until a few ago in New York, where she made me choose between abandoning her or loving her"

Seokjung thought for a second, it was easy for him to say what was the answer to the problem, but as long as Seokjin is asking for advice, then his place was to help his young brother to give every step slowly until the final answer.

"Let's see... What was the fight about?"

Jin couldn't say the tangled history of lovers so he decided to give a short partial version of thw problem.

""She hid her feelings from me"

"O- Okay..." The older Kim took his time to choose rhe next question.

"And she went away for a year... because...?"

"She wanted to 'put an order' to her feelings. After that she appeared saying that I needed to love her or leave her"
"Right and... what did you do during the time she was gone?"

Like the switch of a dark episode being turned on; Seokjin had the painful flashbacks of his fight against the emptiness in his heart when she wasn't around.

He had a nice time, pushing to the back of his mind all the loneliness, but when it was too much, he'd lock himself in his bedroom, listening to the songs Y/N has shown him, back when they were close... or he'd choose to whatch some romantic movies until the scenes became ridiculously romantic to bare with it, so the tears would finally come out as he wishes to star in all those scenes with her in his real life.

Then next day he'd appear at working hours with his usual smile am lots of makeup that covered the dark circles around his pretty eyes.

"I felt lonley... lost" Jin finally confesses.

"And how did you feel when she's around you? Does it change to something better?" Seokjung is just tempting Jin's brain to think deeper.

It worked. Unbeknownst to the so callen World Wide Handsome, a small smile tugged in his features at the thought of the bright being Y/N represents.

"She laughs at my jokes... She listens to my lectures but also tell me when I'm acting wrong... Always there to help me when I'm down" Now Jin stares blankly at the endless sea "She makes me happy, she became the star I look for every night"

"Then... why are you still doubting?" Seokjung asked when Jin stayed quiet.

"She lied to me"

"You know..." The oldest Kim gives the last words he thinks would help his lil bro make a choice "Feelings are hard to find, and even harder to manage in an environment like yours" Jin perks up at those words "Look at you! You are international stars, of course she needed to be careful with what she feels... I'm not excusing her, it was wrong to disappear and then corner you with a tremendous question, but I'm sure she did it all because her love is a sincere one"

"But! at the end you are the only one that will decide whether you keep her by your side or let your boat drown and be forgotten" Seokjung said when he felt the tension of Jin's thoughts.

"One of those sad days" Jin starts a story "I imagined myself all alone... without her, that thought was a nightmare. I couldn't imagine to leave her... She's like the compass for my boat, she helped me guide the way"

The older brother listens to the story, this might be the final statement, the one that will make Seokjin make a choice.

"I'm not changing my way... I'm staying with her"

Seokjung smiles triumphantly, that's what he knew the conversation would end in. He giggles while patting Jin's shoulder.

"There, there~ Now enjoy the rest of the ride and make sure to go back for your compass"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now