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An alarm clock sounded far in some part of Y/N's dream, and just as a learned habit, she rolls over her stomach stretching her arm to hit the top of her clock. Though, she only managed to bump into a hard pillow, her hand reaching a face and not a clock.

Scared at the change of surroundings, she opens her eyes finding herself trapped between to figures, and a totally different background.

"What the- Y/N?" The body she bumped into before, wakes up and speaks in a hoarse voice.
"What are you doing in my room?! Wait- Oh we're dressed, then it's okay"

Jin closes his eyes once again, fixing his posture to keep on sleeping, but a groan in the same room makes her turn to the side, finding a pale Jungkook half asleep in a chair, asking for someone to turn the alarm off.

"What happened here?" She asks while rubbing her face with her hands, trying to wake properly and forget about the huge headache that threatens to split his skull in two.

"Someone turn that shit off!" Jimin's voice yells, muffled by the pillow he is holding over his face.

Nobody moved from their place, but the annoying sound of the clock disappeared.

"Thank you~" Jimin said, still cuddling the pillow
"You're welcome" Namjoon's voice replied Jimin and everyone woke up scared, knowing a long lecture awaits for them later today.

"Get up and have a fucking shower, you all reek of alcohol and smoke"

Namjoon leaves the room and the party guys start to move towards their respective bathrooms, just having an hour to get ready and meet everyone in the entrance, to leave to the airport.

People in the airport could already tell who were the ones that partied the night before the flight. Four of them were wearing dark glasses and hoodies, fashion airport left behind. The missing four looking fresh as the sun and ready to give their all for the concert.

Adora was walking at the end of the line, trying to keep the pace of the rest, when a hand hold hers and helped her walk along side the rest. It was Taehyung and his boxy smile dragging her towards the the airplane hangar.

She relaxes at the thought of V helping her walk and not some freak in the airport trying to catch her attention.

Just as she enters the plane, Y/N is dragged to a seat beside the window and her purse is placed in the compartment above her, by no other but Taehyung, who hasn't mouth a word but keeps on smiling for her.

"Hey, Ado-" Yoongi tried to get close to the girl, but Taehyung stopped him by pulling from his arm, away from the girl.

"Nu-uh, I'm in charge of her today, hyung"

Suga rolls his eyes irritated by V, who's trying to play the hero to an Adora with hangover. The older decides not to question the younger and sighs defeated.

"Tell her I send this and make sure she takes it" Yoongi places a bottle of water and an some sort of a medicine box in Taehyung's hands, soon after leaving to the seat beside Hoseok.

V comes back to his seat beside the only girl in the group, and hands her the kit
"Suga hyung sent it"

She reads the name in the box, jet lag pills, that surely will help with the hangover. She smiles at the detail and turns her face to look for Yoongi, but he is fast asleep over Hoseok's shoulder, she'll thank him later.

"You need more water? Or food? Let me secure your belt before anything else!" Tae tries to take care of her with multiple tasks at the same time.

"You know I can do it myself, right?"
She chuckles while seeing V crouched down and tightening the belt around her waist

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now