- Tell me something just before you go -

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He was told that she always visits the library downtown, it was hard for people to find her small house so he better waited for her in one of the benches outside the library.

'You'll recognize when you see her; everyone is turning heads and stopping their daily activities to take a look of her figure walking downtown'. That's what Hwasa said to Namjoon so he could meet her again.

All sunny day in the same sad bench, a backpack beside him, but much to his -and the citizens'- dismay, she never appeared as per usual. That side of the island seemingly saddened at the lack of sunshine that her morning walk represents.

Unbeknownst to them all, she took her sweet time to pack up her belongings. She needed to return to Korea for the last performance of her new song and for the upcoming album of the fragmented band.

Back in downtown, it's already nighttime when RM decides to visit the tavern, not far from the roundabout; in his mind devising the conversation to ask for a room in the small motel across the bar.

The beer of the lanky leader is only halfway when the faint sound of clicking heels makes all of the men inside the taver halt in the middle of their business. A woman in the middle of the night getting in a dangerous zone in such as a 'men place' like this one?

Only when the heavy wooden door is opened with the little bell ringing as a welcome, RM allows himself to look up from his glass to the person who's clicking the black high heels, almost getting hidden by the ankle-length black skirt and the long-sleeved shirt with an interesting neckline. When the drangon-like eyes land on the woman's face, she turns around quickly, letting him only take a look at her long hair.

The mysterious lady takes a seat in the middle of the counter.

"Nice to see you around, Malena"

Did he heard correctly? Malena?

The woman does not contradict the man behind the bar, instead she smiles kindly and then orders a flavored vodka.

Now the place appears to be a more harmonious one. The men talk in cautious voices and not shouting, about their important works and tasks at home, some of them changing places to sit in the same counter and get a better taste of her sweet aroma.

Malena doesn't speak, she only devotees her time to the drink in her wandering hands, never caring about the people around her... never caring about her old friend at the bottom of the room.

The bells of the cathedral sing to welcome the exact midnight and that's the signal for the woman to stop drinking, after four glasses of that vodka. She thanks the bartender and pays for the drinks, to leave the place without haste.

That becomes the sign for Namjoon to pay for his single beer and try to follow the lady.

"Careful with the lady, the last guy who tried to follow her owned not a slap but a round kick to the face"
A random man in the counter warns Namjoon and he only nods once; if someone does such bold movements, it would be her.

RM leaves the tavern and follows the mysterious lady like a ghost hunter, stopping her middle way when his voice echoed around the whole roundabout.

"So now you are Malena?"

The lady halts her steps at the sound of the voice. She heard every single one of their voices in between dreams thus, of course, she recognized who was the man behind her.

"I can't go giving my name to everyone like that... What are you doing here?"

She doesn't turn around, just let her back face the man while her long hair dances with the breeze that runs towards the west.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now