- XVII -

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Jungkook steps away from the window with a weird pain in his chest. His only female friend happens to have a boyfriend. But why does that makes him feel... sad?

"Are they still outside? What are they doing?" His Namjoon hyung steps closer to him trying to get information.
"He left, she's at the door" the little boy speaks low and almost lost in his own thoughts.
"I'll talk to her, this kind of uncomfortable visits are not right, she must stay away of distractions"

Namjoon leaves Jungkook inside the apartment and goes down to the building's reception, to meet the girl before the others.

When he reaches her, she's looking at the floor while playing anxiously with her tiny fingers.

"Y/N-ssi, can we have a talk?"

She raises her face while still having a pinkish tone.

"Yes, sorry... what's wrong, seonsaengnim?"
He's not used to be called like that, yet, he finds it cute and that's why he doesn't correct her.
"May I know who was that guy?"

Who's he? Because it looks like he just confessed his feelings towards her. She surely doesn't know anything about love, but what he did... did that mean they are no friends anymore? Are they something more?
Does she feel the same or was it just the rush of the things she's been through?

"He- mhmm- He's my... bestfriend...?"
"Are you asking me?"
"NONO...I mean, yeah, he's my bestfriend. We met back when I auditioned, he's been taking care of me since then..."
"Oh, so you two are close?"

The girl just nod since she's still processing the kiss and the sudden interrogatory.

"Well, I don't mean to be rude but- My work here is to keep the band safe, and that includes you, so I don't want you to be in any kind of scandal- Also... that guy seems to distract you and I want you to focus on music, for the great of all of us. Please make sure he doesn't visit this house anymore"

The girl feels more out of place, if it is possible. The only friend she has, needs to stay away from her so she can focus on her career. Well, that hurts.

'I- uhm- yes, seonsaengnim"
With a sigh she accepts, there's no other option but saying yes to all the bosses' requests so she can succeed.

"Great, I'm glad you understand this is for a great reason. All of the boys are worried about our future in music industry, so we must work together and sacrifice certain things to keep other things going"
"Yes, I understand"
"Then you can come back to the apartment whenever you're ready, don't take too much time"

Namjoon turns back to the stairs and the girl stands in the empty reception, in need of some fresh air that takes away her troubled thoughts.

And going up the stairs, Y/N remembers the drama with Felix inside the building, now she can just expect the worst.

But surprisingly, inside the apartment, everything is so quiet. No faces to be seen.
She walks to the kitchen and finds Jin carrying a bowl with rice and a pair of chapsticks in his mouth.

"If you're hungry, there's rice" And he exists the kitchen.

"For the moment is better if I don't see them" She thinks while walking back to her bedroom while holding a little plate with rice in it.

Early next morning they are reunited again in the practice room, the actual choreo needs to be practiced in order to give a perfect last presentation and the next choreo needs to be practiced because is the one Y/N debuts as the new member.

"Careful when you stand up in the chair!"

It is a slow choreo, and they are letting the girl show up her visuals and vocals.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now