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Someone knocks on the door and Y/N runs to open it, finding one of their multiple bodyguards handing her pizza and four cold cans of beer.
She receives the midnight snacks after paying for it and walks back to the room she shares with Namjoon.

Namjoon is sitting in the desk at the bottom of the room, with a little lamp lighting his laptop and the bullet journal.

Inside the bedroom are two individual beds, the closest to the door is for Y/N while the one beside the window is for Namjoon.

"Since you didn't have dinner with us, brought you something~"

The young girl gets close to her leader, pizza and two bottles of beer in hands.

His tired eyes look at her and a soft smiles washes his features. She is so carrying with him.

"You pay for it? Don't spend money on me~" He says returning his eyes to the screen in front of him.
"Who cares about money? I'm worried about your health- Well, pizza is not that healthy but you said back in the plane you wante- WHATEVER! Let's just drink"

She drags Namjoon in the wheelchair to the closest bed, where she placed the beer and the box of pizza.

An unofficial late night date.

"C'mon, eat"

The smell of fresh bread and cheese floats around the room, vanishing a little because of the opened window, that lets in a bit of the fresh midnight air from Los Angeles.

The curtains are not totally down, so they can see a bit of the tall buildings and the dim light of a full moon gets inside the room, making Namjoon feel in some kind of romantic movie with someone he shouldn't consider more than a friend.

"How did you feel today?" She asks taking him out of the daydreaming.

"Famous, I didn't expect so much people looking at us"
"Yes~ Too much pretty girls around you all"
Namjoon laughs at her and Adora shyly looks away laughing with red ears.

They can play like that, they're jealous for each other because it has been always eight of them and nobody else.

"I felt weird, all of them looking fancy and I was looking so ordinary... Next time I'll ask for an expensive dress"

"Are you kidding me?" Namjoon asks in disbelief since her name has been trending topic for whole night "The most searched online are the boy with a black hair band and the girl with the rainbow cardigan"

That was true, V got the attention of the public since he first stepped the red carpet, but after the performance, everyone wanted to know the name of the short girl in plataform boots with thick thighs in a black short and a long rainbow cardigan.

"Is that trending?" She looks for a few minutes on her phone before feeling her face turn red and hot in embarrassment, she is indeed gaining fans in the foreing country.
"See? You caught the attention even in black jeans"
"I'm pretty, I guess (?" She says more like a question rather than an affirmation and her shyness makes RM's heart throb a little.

They kept on chatting until there was only one piece of pizza left, plus half of a bottle of beer.

"We should go to sleep, hyung. We have interviews tomorrow, right?"
"Right. You go rest a bit, I still need to finish this thing"
"No~ I'll help you finish early before we leave"
"You need to rest, don't be stubborn, Y/N"
"No. YOU. Namjoon-ssi, don't be stubborn and go to sleep"

He tends to stand up from the wheelchair but she tries to stop him by pulling from his arm and the same force he used to bring him up, drags him down over the bed, spilling the liquid over the bed at the same time the pizza left jumps from the box and lands over the sheets, leaving a gross stain.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now