- XVI -

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A voice whispers "What the fuck?"

That was Yoongi, and beside him Hoseok, who let out the loud exaggerated gasp.

And the girl wants to dissappear at that exact moment. But her friend Felix just tightens his grip around her small body.

She's fighting with Felix's arms trying to stand on her own feet, but he's just staring at the other to boys with an unbothered smile.

"Felix... let me... down..." She's still squirming until he lets her down slowly while saying "Careful with the ankle, love"

He's making this on purpose, he sensed the bad vibes this dudes and the whole house irradiate, so he's trying to mark a line by indirectly saying 'Do not touch her, I have her back' ... Or was it the jealousy because of the feelings he developed back when they met?

"I won't ask why you're late 'cause actually is not my business. But who's that one? Don't you know you can't get guests in here?" Suga needs to interfere in the situation because this can't happen in front of his eyes.

Yoongi happens to be the one who always have an eye on Y/N, just to make sure she behaves like the good girl in and out of the band, but also because he finds her intriguing: the way she courses in another language when she errands the song when recording; how she laughs quietly to the boys' jokes; how her big almond eyes look at the members when they show off themselves on practices.

"He was about to..."
"Not leave, actually I need to talk to you Y/N so, where's your room?"
Felix was inviting himself to step inside even when it means to have a fight after that between Y/N and the other 7 males.

She looks at their bandmates with an apologetic sight and then drags her friend to her little room.

"Well, it is small but you have privacy"
"Anything to get farther, right?"

That was her excuse: as long as the future was prosperous, she'll resist to whatever the present time gives her.

The boy sits on the floor and the girl at the end of the bed.

"What was it, then?"
"N-nothing actually, I didn't wanted to leave you alone in here with those two"
"Oh, and there are five more, some worse than the others"
"Now I won't leave never"
"I already meditated it... I need to tolerate them as long as I am in this group, I haven't even made my first appearance as an official member, I won't give up right now"

They remind quiet few minutes. Y/N's mind is full of images of them kissing before he left. And Felix's mind is searching for a topic before she ask about his feelings towards her.

"And... have you talk to your parents or sister?"

He breaks the silence and the girl suddenly feels sad, sick.

"No... I haven't had time and... By the way my sister expressed, they are not happy about my decisions"

The last time they talked, she told her sister she was about to debut. But when she asked about her parents' state, she heard how much her parents got angry, how her sister had to live with the misstatements of their parents, and how they started to hate music (and their older daughter in the process) with their whole soul.

"And what did your sister said about your performance? I bet she feels more than proud..."
"I haven't send her the video"
"Do it"
"Let me get m-"

She was starting to hype up herself when a knock on the door was heard. But not the one when someone calls out, but when something hits the door.

Felix and Adora stand in front of the door and the girl opens it finding no other but Jin's body on her feet while the other six male are all over each other, like if they tried to hear what was happening inside.

"Jin hyung! Is your head OK?" Jungkook tries to help his hyung stand up and the rest are standing on their feet to look less suspicious.

"What... is happening?" She's not sure why are they all in front of ther door, but she doesn't want to start a discussion.

"Jin hyung is hurt, stop asking questions and help him" Taehyung, as rude as always, commands to avoid the fact that they where spying in stuff they should not.

But Felix is the one who helps Jin stand up.

As fast as Jin realized the hand that helped him wasn't part of the usual environment, he panicked, that's why he yells.

"I'm Felix and I'm her... oppa..."

Y/N chokes on her own saliva, he hates that title and yet he's using it to mark his territory.

"NO HE'S NOT MY- Felix, can we just... hmm... talk outside?"
The girl is looking red as a tomato and her friend has a sassy smile.

"Sure love. Bye mates, not a pleasure to meet you!"

He exists first, the girl following behind; 7 males stay in their place, puzzled... Didn't the manager said she was all alone in Korea? Who's that kid with freckles and why does he treats her with so much kindness?

"Love, you really should be careful with those dudes, they don't seem friendly, I don't want them to mistreat you..."
Y/N and Felix are outside the building, away from the intruders.
"I don't want them to mistreat me either, but the first impression you gave them... it wasn't the best..."
"I need to make sure they understand that I like yo- I MEAN- I really care about you"
"You know what? If they keep on being such assholes, you can tell them I'm your boyfriend, they must stay away from you" Felix expresses his idea with obvious double intention: keep her save and making sure nobody steals his girl.

"I- I don't think they have that kind of interest on me- Actually, the less they know about me the better. I think it would be better if we meet here the next time, outside the apartment"
"Okay, outside your apartment, just because you say it, no because of them"
"Great... thanks Felix"

She gives him a tight hug as a goodbye, hiding her face in his neck while getting a sneak peak of his sweet smell, a therapeutic one.
Meanwhile, he gets her closer to his embrace, looking at the sky like thanking the opportunity to see her again, as ethereal as she was when he left.

But there, in the only window of the 5th floor, a kid with big eyes is looking directly at Felix.
Jungkook is looking at the couple, but he only makes eye contact with that freckles' guy. Kook starts feeling a burning sensation in the pit of his stomach and his eyebrows start to frown, the only female friend he had made is being stolen in front of his eyes.
And all of sudden, when he finally realizes what's that feeling he has inside, the guy down there kisses Jungkook's friend.

A slow and cute kiss is shared by the couple outside the building.

Felix thought it was a perfect moment to mark territory in front of that little dude watching from the 5th floor and at the same time, a good time to taste again the lips he was craving for since he left, showing the girl in his embrace, he feels something for her, yet he is insecure about giving a step further.
The kiss ends after few seconds, both looking at each other in the eyes.

"I do like you, Adora... I still adore you, Adora..."

And with that ambiguous statement, he left the girl standing at the door, he is unable to look back, or he'd end up confessing his real feelings. And she is unable to stop him, she wouldn't know what to say and she doesn't know what this dazzling feeling is about.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now