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Y/N excused herself to get a taste of the fresh air in Gwangcheon, her feet taking her to the main entrance and pass it to stand in the middle of a desert road.

She breathed in and out multiple times before sighing in comfort; it's like her outgoing persona is over after around five hours of dealing with 'Adult Stuff', as she calls it, so now she needs to charge some more energy to make it through the end of the party.

It's now close to 9 p.m., maybe past that time so she's hopping the Kim family calls it a night and she could finally go to sleep.

Inside the house, Seokjin is chatting with some relatives, a young guy bringing Y/N up to the conversation.

"So is she really the girl you work with, Seokjin-ah?"
"Yes, Adora from BTS"
"She's prettier in person, you're a lucky man~"

Jin laughs but says nothing, just because he's well aware of the beauty that walks around them all day.

"And when are you to going to get married?"

One of the eldest cousins asked, making Jin spit out his drink, Y/N was right, people here just like to talk how necessary is for the youngest to get married and how hard married life id, his little one warned him.

"Married? I don't even h-"
"So she doesn't want to marry you, uh?" The annoying cousin smirked
"I haven't asked yet"

'WHAT?! ' Jin immediatly facepalmed himself. They're not even together! He could've just said they are not a couple but here he is, marking territory around the lady when he's not even able to talk about his feelings.

"WOW! So we got to hear the good news first?" The eldest of BTS spitted his drink again. He has just remembered he's famous and any word that leaves his mouth can dig his own grave.

"NOT AT ALL! Actually, please don't say anything you have just heard! Not even my mother can hear about this"

Family keeps on teasing him and Jin's ears are burning red. He fucked his onw and Y/N's image within seconds and now can't keep on listening to these dumbasses about something he's far from: Y/N's love.

"Excuse me, Imma look for her" Seokjin managed to run away from the uncomfortable conversation, this time with another dumb idea that bumped in his mind: he's gonna talk to Y/N.

He walked around the backyard and inside the whole house but no Y/N to be seen. As the last option, he walked out of the house, finding her across the desert street, looking up at the sky.

"Your neck will hurt if you keep looking up" Jin said once he was close enough for her to hear.

"The view is worth it" She said without looking at him.

"There's this yard at the end of the street, wanna go?" Jin offers after remembering how he used to play there with his neighbors.

She nodded and Jin didn't miss the opportunity to hold Y/N's hand to walk down the street.

A fallen tres would be used as their seats, again Y/N looks up to the sky and sighs relaxing her posture.

The view Seokjin has was rather hard to believe. Earlier that day, Adora was asleep in his car and the sun shined bright, kissing her peaceful features and gifting them some life; at that very moment, with such a beautiful image, Jin thought of Y/N as the sun's favorite child.

But now looking at Y/N under the moonlight, it was a complete change. The once, pretty features, were now vividly beautiful, her face is not a peaceful one, it is one full of life, even if we were meant to sleep at this time.
Her hair danced freely around the windy day, her skin glowing just as porcelain; it wasn't a kiss from the moonlight, it was as if the moon herself had poured all her love onto her only daughter, L/N Y/N.

Seokjin smiled at that thought, Y/N, the universe's favorite child, sitting beside him.

"It's pretty windy" He said while his eyes admired her once more.
"Yes... Wanna go inside?" She offered
"No, just- let's stay here a little"

Party died down the street, there was nothing left to do, just Seokjin, Y/N and the moon. Should Jin just break the silence and finally say what he needs to?

Again, silence is so overrated.

"My mom thinks you're the best for me"

Adora giggled without looking at him; she recalls the words said by Yoongi, maybe this was what he meant when he said Jin's mother likes her a lot.

"At first I hated it when she said such things but now that I look at you, I know she isn't wrong..."

Y/N looks at him, not understanding what he meant.

"I know what I said few months ago, Y/N. I didn't mean to offend you like that... Sorry"

Is he apologizing for calling her a heartless bitch? Wow...

"... All I know now is that you want what you want... And I said what I said... But I still finding you in every face, your smile is always chasing me, it's like you're everywhere"

Adora glares at him rather annoyed "Are you scolding me?"

"No! Listen! I know in the end you love who you love and there ain't no other way but if there's something I've learned from my mistake is that you're the one that I want at the end of the day"

"You-" Y/N tries to assimilate the last words, so she doesn't misunderstand them.

But under the almost teary sky, Jin confessed what was really trapped in his heart the same day that, in a fit of jealousy, he ordered Adora to stop playing with everyone's feelings.

"I love you"

An unexpected thunder fell, not so far from their seats, at the same moment he spoke, like sealing the love Jin feels for Adora. Was she able to hear that?

Yes, indeed, she heard that three words, but as soon as the the thunder dies quietly, rain starts pouring over them, diverting the attention to the weather and not the feelings.

"We should go back, you'll catch a flu"

She stands up, ready to run away from the scenery but Jin stops her.

"If you don't love me back, at least tell me who do you love. Maybe that'll ease my heart"

Her back is facing him, so he can't see the sadness drowning her doe eyes.

"You... but also someone else" She said, not letting Jin down, but also not completely confessing the love for the other six.

"Love can be frightening, for sure"
He said, not knowing exactly how to feel with this information. Should he be happy she doesn't hate him? Glad because she loves him? Angry because it is not only him? Sad because there's someone else?

"Frightening, indeed" She said before walking back to the house.

The couple was received by dry towels around their bodies. Ms. Kim leaded Adora to one of the guests rooms, while Seokjin enter to his old room, followed by his brother.

"Couple fight?" The oldest Kim asked.
"I think I fucked it up this time"
"Apologize, then"
"I hurt her badly"
"Then there won't be any wedding~"
"HA HA HA, my brother always so funny" Seokjin laughed humorless.

"If she loves you, she'll forgive you... But you also need to prove that you're worthy of her love"

Jin sighs in frustration.

"What if... what if I'm not worthy?"
"Wow, world wide handsome saying this?"
"Don't judge and answer"
"Well, to be honest... you both seem like made for each other... you just need to think twice before speaking"
"What are you implying, uh?" Jin asked angrily.

"I know you, brother... you sometimes have such a big mouth" Seokjung knows better.

"I just want her to love me" Seokjin whines while hiding his face in his hands, still soaked in the rain that was witness of the failed confession.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now