- CVII -

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Yoongi's POV

The clock hits 9:10 and I'm still standing on the hallway, waiting for her to arrive.

As a God's sign, a female voice starts cursing at the end of the hallway.

"... and I'm fucking late. Oh! Yoongi hyung!"

Adora finally notices me. She's in sportswear, a high messy ponytail and sunglasses.

"You're running late too?" She asks without taking off her glasses.

"I was waiting for you. If you arrive late by yourself again, Hoba would get crazy" I explain nonchalantly.

She smiles widely and hugs my side. "You're always so carrying~ Thank you"

I decide to ignore the last words and we both head to the practice room. Hoba has an impatient frown but when he sees us, he relaxes a bit.

"You're late" He says
"Sorry, my bad~" She apologized while lowering the brightness of the lights I'm the room. Of course she was partying again.

The practice was hard, not because of the workout but because of the atmosphere.

Taehyung clinging all the time onto Y/N, sometimes giving kisses to her cheeks and making everyone uncomfortable.
She just giggles at the actions but doesn't stop him. Points for Taehyung.

"Y/N" Everybody turns to Jungkook, who's the first one to speak out loud out of the eight here.

"Yes, Koo?" Her unusual sweet voice makes the rest, even me, frown. Her usual voice is energetic and strong, and today it came out as low and tender as a coo for our ears.

"Uhm..." Of course Jungkook got nervous at the change of voice "I was wondering if... you have free time later to- Uhmm... Work in the song we wrote"

"You and me?" She asks surprised "AH! Of course I have time! See you in my studio after this"

As we can see, all of them are seriously fighting for her attention.

When the practice was over, I walked slowly to my studio, passing by Adora's studio and hearing muffled giggles from both Jungkook and Y/N.

The urge of opening aggressively the door to see what happens there, invades my mind but I try to remind myself I'm not playing along.

And as the days passed slowly until the next Friday, every day Adora would have Taehyung clinging onto her, Hoseok and Jungkook alternatively taking her out for dinner after work and Jimin trying to get back her attention with teasing games.

But she seemed neutral, rather not interested in the game. So today, Friday, I planned on test her real intentions.

he most likely tell me what are her real intentions with the boys if I talk to her.

The plan in my mind gets cut off when her voice sounds through my headphones.

"Are this enough 'why so serious?' For the song?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now