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"Jungkook" Taehyung knocks once again on the door "C'mon boy, you need to eat"
"I'll eat something on my way to the gym, leave it"

Tae sighs, his knuckles must be full of splinters after knocking everyday on Jungkook's bedroom door to make him eat one proper meal.

"You fucking always say that and you'll never it on your way to the gym... This path will lead you to anemia or something worse"

"Leave him alone~" Jimin appears in the same hallway, wearing only a towel in his lower half and wet hair being dried with an smaller towel "He'll eventually get over her and that depression~"

Jimin tries to reason with Taehyung, but the behavior Jimin has adopted since she left, is very annoying to Tae.

"He'll eventually get over her as you did? Fucking around with a girl who looks just like her?"

Jungkook locks himself up in his room, he never leaves unless he feels like hitting the gym, he never eats properly unless he feels his body about to faint or after blacking out because of the lack of nutrients.

That's the thing that worries Taehyung the most.

On the other hand, there's Jimin, who never accepted he misses Y/N, but instead looked for a replacement, a petite girl with long pink hair, almond eyes and a breathtaking waist... a double that plays the vivid image of Adora when both of them traveled to Paris, his most happy memory.

Jimin sometimes take her replacement out for drinks so the liquor makes the lady's face turns blurry, giving Park the chance to imagine Adora there with him... Adora's pinkish hair would feel soft in his hands, and the black eyes of the unknown girl would turn to a color similar to Y/N's ones, making Jimin smile wider. Tho... when he pulls in for a kiss, her lips would feel rougher, or maybe not full enough... there's something about those lips that remind him the girl in his arms is not her.

Whenever Jimin and her hold sexual activities, and in the pick of ecstasy, the male would call the lady under him by Y/N's name, making from the pleasurable moment of the girl, one full of awkwardness and uneasiness.

"Oh shut it, Tae~ Or you'll tell me that writing down all of your depressing thoughts is the best therapy?"

V isn't in the best state of mind either. The insomnia that visits him frequently drags him to the desk in his bedroom to write endless poems that show how hurted, sad and dead inside he feels. Sometimes this thoughts and the words his hand writes make him cry his heart out until sunrise, and when his sobs calm down, he doesn't feels the need to sleep, he starts the day as if the night before wasn't a living hell.

"I hear you crying every time, idiot"
Jimin states, looking at V with rage.

"And I hear you calling that girl by Y/N's name, asshole"
"Don't you dare to say her name out loud!" Jimin commands, scared of hearing the name of his biggest daydream and worst nightmare out loud

"What? Didn't you already get over her?" Tae teased the shorter guy "Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!"

Jimin throws hands at Taehyung, pulling from the male's hair in revenge of making him remember her name.

"Shut the fuck up, Kim Taehyung! It also hurts you!"

Taehyung answers the aggression with his hands choking Jimin. Now none of them care about Jimin's towels falling on the floor and leaving him butt naked, nor both bumping into the hallway walls or about Jungkook hearing everything from the other side of his bedroom door.

"Let... Me go... I can't-"

V takes the hint and lets go of Jimin's throat, giving him the space to breathe.

Both fall to the floor, backs resting on the wall across Jungkook's room while caressing the damaged areas during the fight.

"I miss her, Tae" Jimin breathes in trying to hide the loud sob that threatens to leave his lips.

"Me too, Jimin-ah... You're not alone" Taehyung holds Jimin's pinky in his, like in a way of connecting hearts and trying to ease each other's pain.

"If you're planning on comforting each other in the hallway of my house, I'm gonna kick you both out of here"

Jungkook makes his appearance in his door frame, dark circles under his eyes and hair longer than the last time the 95' partners saw it.

"OH GOD! Jimin! Here!" Taehyung realized about the naked guy and throws the towel to his mate.

"You enjoyed the view, though" Jimin flirts with the youngest like coming back to his normal self and Koo just roll his eyes.

"Now that you are out of your dungeon, let's have breakfast together, I made pancakes" Taehyung stands up and offers a hand to Jungkook, who reluctantly accepts and walks to a slow pace towards the kitchen island.

"You're not going to offer me your hand, motherfucker?!" Jimin asks still in the floor

"You go put on some clothes, whore"
V answers to his soulmate.

"But you'll feed me as you'll do with Jungkookie?"

Tae rolls his eyes at the question "Yes, I will, now go get dress"

Jimin disappears in one of the guests rooms of Jungkook's house to get dress, while the couple walks again to have breakfast.

"Here" The older places two plates for Jungkook and himself to eat.

Both eat in silence, Taehyung, watching from time to time the maknae to make sure he is eating, while the maknae can't take his eyes off of V, wondering when did he became so lucky to have such sweet guys to take care of him during his depression.

"Stop staring or you'll choke" Tae playfully states while smiling to his pancakes.

"Sorry" Koo lowers his red face and keeps on eating the delicious food in front of him "Taehyung?"

The said guys humms in acknowledge

"Thanks... for taking care of me... even if sometimes I'm an asshole"
"Sometimes?" The brunette guy asks
"Okay... even if I'm always am asshole" The black haired guy corrected himself to play along.

"I honestly thought you would kick us out of your house when Jimin got that girl inside" Tae chuckles a bit "But I'm glad you let us stay and try to help you... We all heal together, we won't let any of us fall apart, got it?"

Jungkook nods a bit more animated than before and seeing this makes a smile draw in the brunette, his lips finding his way towards Jungkook's forehead.

"Owww~ Signs of affection! I want one too!" Jimin, fully dressed appears in the kitchen and surprisingly pecks both Taehyung and Jungkook's lips.

V is more than used to this kind of behavior, even enjoying the sudden actions, but Koo becomes all flustered at that kiss.

"How do you manage to do that?" The black haired guy murmurs his question.

"Open your mind, Kookie~" The blond guy answered "Our life's too short and our hearts too big to choose between us... Just let that love flow... She might be doing that too right now"

Jimin whispers the last sentence but the first one is enough to make Jungkook's doe eyes to catch a new light, a hope light. Would it be possible that she chooses all of them and not one between them?

don't stress that much about the story, I looove the complicated lifestyle so be patient, this book is dangerously close to an end, so I need everyone in the story (characters, not you all) to touch the last circle of hell to finally make it to heaven... so enjoy the last drama, I calculate around 10 more chaps to get our happy ending.

Author loves you xX

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now