- VIII -

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Third Person POV

"Kids, please stop fighting" Namjoon's calmed voice talks to the three men pushing and giggling to each other. But they won't stop.

"you better sTOP NOW!" a tall guy, broad shouldered and with handmade lips talks/yells to the three. Their leader is about to say something important, by the look on his face.

"Thank you Jin-hyung" Namjoon thanks the help Jin provided. "We need to talk about our future as a band"

"A-Are we dis-disbanding?" A doe-eyed boy asks from the back of the group. His voice sounded sad and worried.

"No, Jungkook. It's not that, it is actually more a 're-banding' thing" The leader tries to calm down the younger boy, Jeon Jungkook.

"Cut the sweet talk and get straight to the point" The boy who has a black bannie and cat-like eyes shows no patience, his too tired to hear all that.

"My savage Suga, please relax. We don't need words, just watch this" The manager makes his appearance while he press the play button for the video he has in a professional camera.

They are watching a girl performing the song they been practicing to. She's mesmerizing. And her voice just makes the males mouth to form an 'o' shape. She's good, almost like them... maybe just like them.

Namjoon has already watched that performance, it was in that early morning reunion when the video was recorded.

The video ended. No one has a clue about what's going on, how are they supposed to react to what they just watch?

"Well, she is very good at what she does, but how does a fan knows a song that haven't been released?" A thin boy with a heart shaped smile that shows discomfort speaks up to stop the awkward silence.

"She knows the whole song because she's not exactly a fan, she-"

Namjoon interrupted the manager to make the news a little more... smooth.
"Listen... we are famous, right?"

Six heads nodded.

"Great... but this is not the top of the top. So Bang PD-nim thought... we need to get more attention, maybe some masculine attention-"

"And who says we don't already do it?" A boy with plump lips and the rest of the looks like a baby doll says. Namjoon mentally kicked that boy's head.

"What I meant Jimin, is... we need more audience and also... Girl fans need a role model to follow, her maners and fashion... You know female talent..."

"Y-You want us to be... like girls?" Jungkook talks again, same worried tone.

"What Rap Mon's trying to say is that we are having a new companion for the team. A band mate that will help you get to the real top... The performance you just watched, did you like it?" It's manager's turn to talk since Namjoon is just getting nervous and doesn't get to the real point.

To answer the last question everybody nodded not very sure.

"Well... that girl has been writing some songs of your last album and the upcoming one, she's being learning your songs and choreographys... She is your new band mate A-"

"A GIRL?!" "WHAT?!" "NO!" "OH MY!"

Everyone is yelling and someone just fainted in the middle of the scandal.

"Oh no... someone please pick J-Hope up and lay him down on that table"

10 minutes and...

"Guys... I just had the weirdest dream of all life... there was Bang PD and then he added a cute girl to the g-"

"You're not dreaming Hoba, you reall- WE really have a new band mate AND it is a girl"

The so-called Suga and J-Hope (or Hoba for Suga) exchange words while the rest of the guys are in shocked.

"Boys it is not that bad~ You just need to give her an opportunity. I made the right decision by putting you all together, now trust me when I say this is a good idea" The manager is trying to make the boys reason the already made decision. "You'll meet her soon, you'll love what she is, I promise you... You just need to put a little effort to open your mind and accept her as your new brother"

"She can't be our brother if she's a girl" The boy that reminded quiet, protested. He is Taehyung, also known as V, the second youngest in there.

"Can you give us some time alone? Please manager" The leader needs to talk to the rest of the group.

The manager exited the practice room so the guys can relax a little and think about the news.

"Listen, apparently we need to do this if we want to succeed... we don't need to interact with her more than the necessary, just recording songs and practicing choreos. We will be alright" Namjoon is trying to calm down the rest of the boys.

"Did you know about this, Namjoon?" Jin, the oldest, is taking now the time to speak.

"Not until this morning..."
"And do you think it is a good idea?"
"Well, it looks like she knows what she's doing... Bang PD gave me this..." Rap Monster, or Namjoon, hands the oldest and script, it is all of the girl's information.

"It says she studied for three years different types of dance and two years of singing lessons. She might be a good addition to us..." Namjoon says but simultaneously starts to feel guilty, this discussion wouldn't be happening if he hadn't said yes.

"Well, if you think it is a good idea... then you have my support" Jin says and some of the weight dissappears from Rap Mon's shoulders. "But if she doesn't gives the 200% as we do... she's out... I don't care what, she must be out"
"Thank you hyung"

Jin is the oldest and his word is trustworthy, so little by little, the rest of the boys start to surrender and accept their destiny.

They are having an 8th member. A female member.


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