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( Van Gogh or pastries? )

After avoiding Taehyung during the week, I finally texted him today, Thursday, asking a random question that will decide our date.

After thinking too much about the sudden confession of his, I started considering that maybe he's the one, I mean, I do felt certain way with Namjoon and the italian scenery; I felt a completely different way between Jimin's arms, but it is a completely different thing when Taehyung lays his head on my lap and we talk about everything while I comb his hair slowly.

Recalling those words of RM, now I might be accepting the cursed love I have for Taehyung.

I asked to my most trustful person, Hwasa, about this and she supported the idea of this thing being love. 'Try it and if you don't like it, you can always run away with me' She said.

So now I'm letting my heart decide and I ended up preparing the date with Taehyung for tomorrow.

( I love eating but Van Gogh
will always have my heart. )

( Why? )

I read his message and smile. Then our destination is the special exhibition.

( 7:30 p.m. Outside our
household. )

( Dress nicely💓 )

I call a certain number on my phone and make a reservation for the Van Gogh's exhibition, for a limited time here in Korea, making sure to request discretion when we both arrive there. Later making sure to have a reservation in a nice restaurant and to think of some detail I can gift to my, now, real suitor.


"OKAY AGAIN! You are having a date tonight with someone you don't want to tell me their name and that's why you can't take care of me?"

My sister is sitting in my studio chair, trying to process the fact that I'm offering her a sisters date tomorrow because today I'm not taking care of her. I gave Ms. Chan a week off since she caught a flu, she's not working this week so my sister stayed all week in the household with me.

"But why Yoongi hyung is taking care of me?! I can take care of myself!"
"Lower your freaking voice. He's taking care of you because you might be doing crazy shit with those friends of yours"

She giggles nervously recalling the day I found them stealing my precious Vodka from my alcohol shelf.

"Good you remember. Now drop the childish attitude and get your bag, we're going to the practice room"

Dragging lazily her feet, she makes his way out of my studio to the studio across the hallway. I knock the door three times as per usual and a sleepy Yoongi lets us in.

"Thanks for taking care of Anna, Yoongi-ssi. I love you endlessly"

He waves his hand like ignoring my words and holds the backpack I'm handing him, with Anna's notebooks.

"If it is only maths homework I can help her, but I'll be heading home around 10 p.m."
"Yeah, no problem. Might as well arrive at that time"

He hardens his gaze at me, like telepathically telling me to cancel the date, but I glare back at him communicating I'm not giving up.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now