- CXXV -

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"Yes~ We'll be in the private club in the 3th, don't worry" And with only that information, Jimin and Y/N leave the place.

The oldest and youngest stayed in the living room dumbfounded while the party couple get inside Jimin's luxurious black car.

"Didn't you give them too much information about our plans?" Adora asked a little worried at the thought of the duo following them around.

"Seokjin hyung has an adult mind~ He wouldn't do such a childish thing"

His cheerful voice contrasted his actions while he looked back to the road, supporting his weight with just one hand over Adora's sit, giving her the perfect view of his arm flexing and his jaw clenched as he focuses on driving the car in reverse to take the highway. Y/N feels again, in a long while, the butterflies Jimin causes with his proximity.

"Now now~ Let's not pay attention to those two and have our own fun, shall we?" He asked sitting properly and giving a short glance to Y/N, his hand sneaking to her exposed thigh and squeezing it a little to make her answer, but the mere touch makes her let out a whiny affirmation, and Jimin smirks at the sound of her weak voice, knowing well he caused it.

"We're here!" Jimin said parking the car
" 'The Red Room' ?" Adora read out loud rather worried about Jimin's plans
"You're looking the wrong way~" He pulled softly from Y/N's chin to make her look through the other window "I wouldn't take you to such a kinky place for our new first date"

The lady relaxes her nerves as she reads the new name, 'The Corner', definitely less kinky.

"C'mon! Let's have some fun"

The entrance to the club was something messy, but you couldn't blame the eyes when they saw a porcelain doll in a beret walking beside a Barbie in a tight red dress, that's a look you can't have every day, unless you were part of Bangtan itself.

"They're staring... I might look nerdly dumb right now" The porcelain doll whines while walking down the stairs to the main subterranean room.

"No boy~" The long haired Barbie giggled "They stare because you look cute"
"... Maybe you're right" Jimin felt the boost of confidence come back to his slim body

"No, forget it... don't worry much about the eyes"
"They ain't even looking at you, they're looking at me" Adora said combing her indigo hair.

She doesn't have that big ego, but she loves to tease Jimin: 'mirror mirror inside the club, who's the prettiest here between those two?'

"Why so confident, wig girl? They look like they lost their breath just as I entered the room"
"You wish... If I leave you behind, you can look for the broken necks"
"They wouldn't" He bet
"They will" And she hurried her steps straight to the bar.

Exactly as she predicted, men and women in the club turned heads like owls following a lightning that crossed the dark sky.

Now Jimin got really worried; at least four wolves in suits crawled behind Y/N as she sits in a bench at the left corner of the bar.

These 'wolves in suit' were mostly sons of some important business men or maybe some miserable office men that could afford a single entrance for tonight, who knows? The truth is that Jimin doesn't like what he's seeing, a possessive frown painted on his features.

A margarita, a shot of tequila, wisky in the rocks and a glass of orange juice were offered to the indigo head at the same time; she gave a shy smile to each one the men around her, and just as she pretends to choose over a beverage, Jimin holds her wrist.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now