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Jin stomps in Namjoon's studio after the conversation with Adora.

"Call the rest. I still need to talk to them all"

RM doesn't dare to question his hyung, he seems really angry and does as said.

One by one, the Bangtan boys arrived to the studio, dumbfounded by the fact that the message said 'Jin is really mad'.

"Now that everyone is here, let's state this. I don't want any of you behind the girl"

The rest look at each other like wondering were all this came from.

"DON'T PLAY THE FOOLS!" Jin yells desperately when he got no answer "I know you the enough to understand your plans on fighting for the girl"

"Talking about me" Namjoon is the first to talk "I have already told you I won't try anything. I quitted already"

Not everyone knew about Namjoon's feelings towards Adora, so hearing him saying that makes the rest of the guys gasp in unison.

"You- You like her, Namjoon-ah?!" Hoseok asks surprised.
"Liked. Told you I've already gave up in my feelings "

Jin nods satisfied at Namjoon's words.
"And that's what the rest of you should do. I won't let the girl ruin our career"

"The girl, the girl. The girl! Do you realize is Y/N who we're talking about, hyung?! It's not a stranger! Is your bandmate... your friend! You are talking about her like the worst curse spelled over Bangtan..."
Taehyung had enough ranting and now he tries to defend his new love.

"Taehyung, you are just too infatuated of the moment that you don't realize this is going to get worse consequences to our future" Seokjin says
"Or it is just that you are jealous because she would never see you the way she sees me"

Low punch for Jin. Because deep inside he was sad he wasn't the chosen one for his little Y/N. That's when the oldest let out a dry laugh.

"Wanna see you're just her toy?" Jin challenges V.

The rest just change gazes from Jin to Tae, not daring to interfere.

"Let's break the damn promise. Let's see who she chooses and when she finally accepts a relationship in front of the others... the game's over" Taehyung challenges back.

So then who's the heartless in the story?
The girl that has real feelings towards them or the men that want to be the best player and win her as a trophy?

Seokjin analyzes the idea. Is it okay if he lets seven guys to play in the race?

"Hyung, I don't thi-" RM was about to reason with Jin but the older has already made a decision.

"Okay. We are all grown ups and we know how to keep private life away from work so... since today we are all competitors, let's see where you end, Taehyung-ssi"

"Watch me win, hyung"

Both males leave the studio in opposite directions, reaching different empty offices just to relax after the heated discussion.

Jimin, with a smirk on his face, tried to talk but Jungkook stops him saying
"You don't have a word here if you're already dating someone"

Jungkook and Jimin leave after glaring at each other. Just few seconds later, Yoongi leaves the places as well, without a single word as always, followed close by Hoseok.

Now alone in the room, RM questions himself about his next steps. The best thing for now is keeping on pretending he doesn't love Adora anymore, just to make sure he can clear the waters between the boys after Jin's decision.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now