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"She learned well- No! I teach her very well~"

Jimin is standing in front of the monitor that shows us how the performance is developing when we're waiting for our solo number to come.

"If you keep on looking at her like that you'll go blind"
"After all this years, she's still mesmerizing to me, let me be~"
"Yeah, what...ever"

I stop looking at her mesmerizing figure and get close to the bathroom door, I need to talk to her.

The screams and cries from the outside anounce me her number just finished, leaving the crowd as euphoric as always, as euphoric as me.

"Dios! This was harder than yesterday!"

I hold her hand and drag her inside of the bathroom in the matter of seconds.

"What's wrong with you?!"
She whisper-yells at me, but her body softens the second after I hug her waist and hide my face in her neck.
Her hand now brushing slowly my combed hair, she knows me very well.

"Solos stress me out..."
"You've already performed"
"... Jimin was watching you too much"
"Jealous much?" She smiles mockingly.
"Not your bilingual ass, now"
"Shut me up, then"

This behavior drives me crazy.

"Do not need to say it twice"

And I capture her lips with mine. The kisses we share mean a lot, even if it's just a fine brush of lips, the fact that we are made for each other gets exposed to our eyes, to our souls.

She softly caresses my chin and I hold her waist firmly.

"You're so good for me"

It spits out of my mouth without a second thought and she giggles.

"And you are for me" Then she pecks my lips. "C'mon, we need to get ready for 'Mic Drop' "

She opens the bathroom door and looks in both directions to make sure we both can go out.
She exits and I do it immediately after.

"Here you are!"
"Sorry Unnie, I was in the bathroom"
"It's okay, let's get your hair done again"
"Ahh~ 'Mic Drop block' is something more rockstar~ Chill vibes~ Can we not-change my hair?"
"Ya but, you take it to serious when rapping 'Tear' "
"You're right. Then make that braid"

She's sitting in front of me but we're back to back so we can only meet eyes through the mirrors.

"Who's up right now?"
"Awww, he's flying! Let's see him"

And yes, Jungkook is one of the people who steal that brown orbs from me. I have always wondered if she had something with him before but I never dare to ask. Tho, they seem to be close, really close since the first day and that's what scares me the most.

Everyone seems to be crawling back to her whenever her smile reaches her eyes, or whenever she dances, or the way she slightly sings when helping us with little tasks we ask for. And I'm afraid we are too wiped for her to even try to stop that effect.

Someone come and save us!

Or maybe the Gods themselves fell for her too and can't stop her charming existence.

"Bravo! You looked heavenly! Like and angel"

Jungkook, who just came back from stage, lifts her in his arms and do a twirl.

"You are an angel"

She hugs him and then jump out of his arms.

"I almost hit the dancer beside me when I opened my arms like this... I moved my position a lot with this stage"

"Yes, my seesaw moved a bit and I almost fell"
"HAHAHA I saw it, hyung! It was so funny!"

I rather distract him and myself from the girl, or the jealousy I calmed down minutes ago, would come back and that would evidence our thing.

"EVERYONE! Wait for Jin to come down stage so our Rap Line can enter the scene and then everybody goes up for 'Mic Drop', okay?"

The staff guy who's directing the ins and outs of the concert tonight anounces and all of us agreed in unison.

My girl was beside me a second ago, but when I look back at her, she's in the other side of the line, being huged by V, whose hands are in her waist and chin above her head.

"Y/N, time to go"

Now Namjoon extends his hand to her and she laughs at Taehyung's joke before holding Namjoon's hand.

Too much skin ship for today, don't you think?

We sit in the plataform with wheels that transport us from stage A to B. I'm getting crazy again but she looks at me and smiles lovely, am I out of my mind?

They all are (evidently) in love with her, and it looks like she chose me, but she said it before, we're so precious for her, the same way.

What should I do?

Another taste of the future, please stay here and show love to the story.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now