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I'm standing outside the Korean office of International Affairs.

I was supposed to have the 'Friendship trip' with Namjoon this time but he lost his passport, so I'm waiting for him to get a solution and stay with us for the cruise or get the official document that says he needs to leave the foreing country for real.

Namjoon's tall figure appears in the entrance of the office, followed by our camera man.

"You were right, asked me to leave" He twists his lips in a sad pout and I hug him.

"You shouldn't have to lose that passport... But we can enjoy the reminding time, right?"

I turn to the left where the camera staff is standing. They nod and give us two hours before meeting the rest of BTS at the restaurant they're planning to have lunch.

We walk downtown getting nice pictures and good ice cream.

"The fact that we are friends but still don't talk too much makes ARMY worry a little"

I exhale sadly after listening to the topic Namjoon chose to talk about.

"I know, saw some of their comments about us hating each other... That's not true" And I point to the camera that's walking beside me "It is just that... We have different ways of working, you know? While I work, you mind your private life, while I mind my private life you work..."
"Yes... I guess that's the real problem, we don't spend much time together apart from performances..."

We walk silently, now feeling an invisible weight over our shoulders, that's not how things should go.

"Let's write something together, hyung!"
He looks at me and his eyes suddenly shine in excitement.
"For real?"
"YES! I really love the talent you have for our lyrics, your very talented... I mean Yoongi hyung is good at writing and producing songs but you are great as well! You definitely master the lyrics"

His dimples appear as he smiles genuinely at my kind of compliment.

"To be honest, I really loved the work you made with our past songs" He stops in front of the lake that crosses the city "It is a promise, coming back from the trip, we'll write something together"

There's our handshake to close the deal, the camera still recording everything.

"Could you give us few minutes alone, please?"

Namjoon suddenly ask the team and they leave us immediately.

"Is everything okay, hyung?"
"Yes, just wanted to tell you something before I leave the country"

I open my eyes surprised and my hands suddenly started to sweat.

"W- What is it?"
"You are one in a kind, that's why I'm asking you to take care of the rest, they'll listen to you"
"Oh ~" I relax in my place, what kind of confession was I thinking? "Sure, I'll take care of my brothers!"
"Now the second thing is a gift"

He brings from his pocket a paper sheet, looking similar to the bullet journal he uses when writing songs.

"This is for you" He hands me the paper "The lights on yourself are really inspiring, don't ever lose that sparkle"

Wow, I haven't even opened it but I know I'm loving the content.

"I don't know what sparkle you see on me but I'll take care of it if you want me to"

He laughs at my statement.

"May I open it, boss?"
"It's all yours, do it when you feel more comfortable"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now