- CXI -

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The dressing room was a mess. Stylists, makeup artists and the stars themselves were running around like headless chickens.

Half of the outfits were missing and they were informed lady's suit was torn after getting stuck in a zipper.

"Can't we postpone our performance? Like ten minutes? The suits must be stuck in the traffic" Jimin whined while getting his hair done.

"It's the last act, we can't make the whole show to end later that supposed"
The leader reasons with the pouty boy.

"The first performance after the break is ruined!" Taehyung fake cried still in his red carpet suit.

But as sent from heaven, one of the staff guys runs with a box in hands, hopefully their clothes.

"Sorry for the delay, sir. There was a car accident and-"
"It's okay, go talk to the MCs to give us five more minutes" Jin interrupts the staff guy with the bossy demeanor.

The men were changing finally in their clothes but as soon as Y/N takes the franel of her jacket in hand, she realizes about the big hole the zipper accidentally made.

"Dammit" They all turn heads to her figure holding the damaged suit "I don't have suit for today"

Again the stress gets back to everyone's veins. The Adora can't be missing in a big performance such as 'Idol'.

Everyone was trying to come up with ideas for the performance when

"Just 10 minutes! It's not that much!"
The manager's voice sounds loud outside the dressing room, apparently discussing with one of the show organizers.
"If the girl doesn't have a suit, then she must not perform. We don't have the time of the world!"

It was well known that half of the music industry hates the non-korean Idol, but sometimes their behavior goes beyond rude. Like today.

"What if... I don't perform?" She asks with a hint of sadness.

"NO" The seven boys agree in one single thing after being in a constant battle.

"O- Okay... don't yell at me"

Just as the good man he try to show he is, Yoongi opens the door abruptly, finding his manager and the lady that's supposed to run the event.

"If you don't wait patiently for 10 minutes for her to get her outfit, then there's no BTS performance"

Suga gives one last threatening glare and closes the door.
Everybody watch in owe the past scene.

"Don't stress~" Jungkook shakes lightly Adora's shoulders to ease the atmosphere "Let's see what's wrong with your clothes"

The eight heads turn to the clothes over a big table.
The pants got a big hole in the left knee and the suit and dressing shirt were useless.

"Let's get you some shorts!" Without second thoughts nor anyone getting to stop V, he cuts the legs of the pants, letting it around the mid thigh. That's how impulsive he is.

Namjoon rubs his face stressed "At least there's no hole" He hands the clothing to the lady "Try it out"

Discarding her blue dress in front of all, she stays in her new shorts and the upper underwear, not caring much that she was in front of seven guys that were actually crazy for her.

"Well... It doesn't look that ugly"

"Yeah, now cover yourself" As a new habit, Jimin throws her coat to Adora's chest. He doesn't want them to see what he saw before all of them.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now