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"BIG SMILES!" Then the flash over those eight smiles.

This is, finally, the rehearsal of their most recent production 'Skool Luv Affair'. Pictures here and there, laughing, lots of food and their new album on repeat.

The managers have been talking about a tour around Korea, but they are worried about the fans reaction when seeing the girl on stage.

"Y/N, can you gift me few minutes of your time?" Bang PD, one of the three bosses talks to the girl to deal with the upcoming ideas.

Now, privately in the office, the real deal starts.

"This is something the boys don't know yet" That's not a good sign.

"And... W-What is it about?"
"We want to start a tour. Around some theaters in Korea"

The girl is amazed, that's one of the things she wanted to be as a K-pop star

"But there's this situation..."

Oh no, what now?

"Some of the fans... still don't get used to the idea of you... here..."

But by the comments she gets on social media, of course she's well aware of it.

"Don't get this wrong, we love the idea of you here, but we must do what it's best for the group"
"I understand"
"We have a plan, listen please"

She feels like crying, but holds on for a bit, maybe just after listening to the plan.

"We made a project, we prepared some dynamics and gifts for the fans, all in your name, that will make them fall for Adora. Then will try a concert in a small pub like an 'exclusive performance' and we'll analyze how fans react"

So buying fans with gifts is your idea?

"A-And... what if they still don't like me at all?"
"Well, we need to see that at least half of the audience likes you to continue with the tour idea"

Then the manager pauses, this is the bad side of the idea.

"If they doesn't like you the enough... we will keep you in our team but as a producer, not as a singer"

Well, ouch...

"You have talent, lady. Singing or producing, that's why we don't want to kick you out of our team, but we also don't want to lose the attention Bangtan have gained"
"I understand, I guess"
"We will work hard for gaining the fans hearts, all you have to do is help us by being charming and cute. And of course not telling them what we talked today"
"But why don't they know?"
"It is better that way"

So now she's fucked up, she needs to get some fans or she's out of the group. Great.

"And the first step is this one"

And one of the three male in the office signals a bunch of CD's on the table.

"We will gift this 300 copies to the fans cheering outside... tho, we need you to sign this before we give those... it would be like a present in your name"

She opens her eyes really wide.

"This is a job... for today?"
"Yes, hurry up before fans start leaving"

And like that she starts signing up one by one the CD's, some with phrases like 'lots of love and 'fighting' and some others just with smiley faces or hearts.

In the period of two and a half hours, she signed up every present.

"Great! now, we'll send this outside, watch from the window what happens"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now