- Oh, I'm going home -

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The sky never looked so blue for the man laying in the lounger of the rest house terrace that belongs to his bestfriend.

"I still can't believe you accepted to come here, Jungkook-ah~"

Yugyeom puts their beers in the little table between the loungers and then plops himself on the empty one.

"The real work starts in two weeks, so I wanted to enjoy this week with you, feel blessed~" Jungkook jokes as he fixes the sunglasses over his face.

"So" Yugyeom starts "Are you finally finishing the story of last night?"

His best friend is curious about what's been going on in his life, but what peeked is interest the most was the fact that Adora, his other bestfriend who hasn't meet him in a year, is part of the drama.

"Well, she disappeared for a fucking year! But then called to say we should meet in New York, when I arrived there, she didn't even let me speak, she just made me choose between two options: Loving her or disappearing from her life"

Jungkook told Yugyeom the entire journey, omitting the part where the other six men were involved.

"It definitely sounds like her" Yugyeom giggles "Always so bossy"

"It was kinda hot seeing her that angry and determined" Jungkook recalls the image of her standing in front of the band in that beautiful purple dress "But that's not the point! The point is that at the end I had the chance to hug her and she told me she would be waiting for me" The guy telling the story smiles at the sun.

"Then this means you and my little Adora are dating now?!" Yugyeom, that has always shipped them secretly, asks excitedly at the thought of the two lovebirds getting their well-deserved happy ending.

"Not yet!" The Golden Maknae states "But as soon as I see her again, we're gonna be together officially"

The topics changed as the drinks take them to a late night talking, whether it was their favorite sport, music they like, future projects and the next friendship vacations they'll have, the two 97's enjoyed their time together in Los Angeles.

It was around 3 a.m. when they decided to head to bed. Jungkook had the guest's room, with a big window that let him enjoy the mountains and canyons at the limit of the sunny city.

The temperature in the room was too hot for Jungkook to sleep, so he is standing in front of that window, now open, that lets a breeze hit his half naked body, run around the room and finally exit through the same place it entered.

The full moon, tinted in a pale yellow, shines above the canyon, its beauty turning off any distracting one around it. It reminded him of Y/N.

The way she effortlessly caught his eye from the firts time she entered in the band. Was it her shy smile or the weird accent in her korean language? Was it her long straight hair or her big eyes showing her passionate existence?

Old acquaintances told him that she must be a kind of childhood love, his first love and even rhe platonic love everyone eagerly wanted to have.
But as Jungkook grew up, his vision of Y/N didn't change, it evolved... From first love to soulmate, that was the deep connection he has been feeling.

Jungkook waa afraid, at first, that she would never return his feelings, but by the way Adora confessed she was in love with him since they were eighteen, there was his answer: she feels the same.

Recalling all the things they've been through, and all the experiences they shared, it felt like decades of knowing her when it was barely six or seven years; 'barely' because Jungkook kniws they still have so much to live together, that's for sure.

The bunny guy looks to the moon and breaths in so his insides could cool down a bit.

"She wouldn't be able to sleep, either" An smile tugging on his face as he recalls the last time they visited a place with hot weather during tour. She paraded herself around the room in nothing but a long t-shirt of him, chanting a 'Hot. Hot. Hot' mantra that didn't fail to make him laugh.

So deep she was in his mind that he, even sleeping would be thinking of her.

You can't swim against the current, so he decided to stop fighting and finally give in to the madness of love. He was happier now, hope smiled to him once again and that showed that love was the best feeling to let yourself drive into.

That dumb-in-love smile never left his features and that was evident even for Yugyeom, his best friend. He enjoyed sunsets and food, he'd sing love songs with much more feeling and the way he would smile fondly whenever Yugyeom talked to him about Y/N said everything. Jungkook was in love, true love.

He takes another deep breath of fresh air to enjoy for the last time the american scenery, then he closed the window.

Tomorrow he'll return to Korea, ready for the new album and also ready to meet them.

'Think of it, why would love be something restricted to share with just one person?' Wise words his Jimin hyung said, before getting in a plane that would took him an Taehyung to an unknown place 'I love Taehyung with my whole soul... but that doesn't mean you or her are less special'

Jungkook was always afraid of giving his heart to only one person, commanding his heart to forget about the rest that took place there. But love is so huge it can be shared. They all eight were destined to be together, after all.

He plumped on the mattress, a happy sigh crossing his parted lips.

"I'm going home"

Beside the bed, in the nightstand, his phone lays still on. He doesn't know the exact location of the 95's but he's sure they'll receive the message.

Jungkook promised to inform about his resolution to Jimin and Tae; the three males in the maknae line where so close that they could predict the three of them would choose Y/N no matter what, but somehow Jungkook got a bit unsure so that's why Jimin's words appeared, to help the youngest clear his mind.

The youngest of them, now in the guest's room, picks his phone and chooses an specific chat, throat humming an old hippie song Y/N used to sing whenever she was immersed in her phone.

The 'send' button is pressed by his thumb and with that simple action, Jungkook's heart rests a bit; knowing that was the best decision of all.

'I choose her. I'm going home'

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now