- VII -

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The manager is walking to his office, this is important.
Behind him, a young man; tall, thin, his only presence makes you feel goosebumps... and he's wearing his dark sunglasses.

They sit facing each other.

"Thanks for coming with me, this is a serious important thing... But you don't really need to wear those sunglasses with me..."

The young man takes off his sunglasses reveling a puffy face and a dark purple mark dangerously close to his eye.

"Wha- what is that hit for? If you feel comfortable with the glasses you ca-"
"It's okay, just a little incident during practice, that's all"

Manager is concerned but won't say another word about it.

"As I said... This thing is really important and will change the complete Bangtan history..." The old man talks really excited, it sounds like the best idea of all times.

"And that thing is..." The young one sounds monotonous, the news are important for his band, of course... it's just that they've been working hard last two months and he is starting to feel exhausted.

Bang PD hands him a cellphone. In the screen can be seen a girl, younger than him, but with a flexible body. She's dancing very well to the inaudible song from the video.

"A new background dancer?" The boy holding the phone asks out of clue. They don't usually need background dancers.

"A new band mate, Namjoon-ssi"

The one now called Namjoon, reminds in his sit processing the words.

"A girl?" That's what drops out of his mind at first. "I really think we are okay being seven. I mean, we are just starting to know each other in a correct way, adding someone a year after the debut is not the greatest thing for the band, also-"

"No, no, no. You are looking at it from the wrong angle. Adding a girl would mean masculine eyes on the band. Girls are looking for a role model to follow, so the girl's maners and fashion would become a sensation. She's also talented  great voice and great moves, you know I only choose the best of the best. Give her an opportunity, c'mon Namjoon; you identify talented people with your eyes, I know you see it in her too"
The manager is trying his best to convince the young idol to think about a new member.

"I don't think the others would like the idea of a new member, a female one"

"I'll help you talk to them, they trust you , if you say yes they'll eventually say yes and you would be making the best decision for the band"

Namjoon is quiet, is he really thinking about accepting this?

"Give her an opportunity, get to know her and then make your decision"
"No, if I meet her I would feel obligated to accept her just because I know how she feels. I want to know her worth in the scenario, she must match with our work or she won't be in"
"Great, if you visit us tomorrow morning, before your practice, you'll see her and then say yes or no"

This sounds fair, she needs work at her 200% or she's not in. Namjoon's thoughts are divided, half says she's really talented and the other half says the members won't like this.

They agreed meeting the next day at 6 a.m. so Namjoon can attend to his own practices, he'll see her performance, say yes or no, and that's all.

Now it's 6 a.m. and the manager, the young idol and the trainees' coach are walking through the hallway.

"She works really hard, I know you'll say yes" Namjoon tries to ignore the words from the coach and the manager to avoid any influence on his decision; but he gets distracted by a voice, too loud to be a whisper.

"Everything is alright. I'm just relaxing by now..."

"That's not... korean" Namjoon whispers more for himself rather than for the others
"I know... She's not korean" Namjoon is shocked and identify it is english what he is hearing, what kind of game is manager playing?

"Hahaha... no so fast little one, I need to become the best songwriter... and best singer... and best dancer... and-"

The voice is interrupted by the kick the coach gives to the door. Namjoon can't be less embarrassed. Something captures his attention, or better said, someone. A girl is sitting in the middle of the room with a cellphone between her hands, she's looking as surprised as him.


The old men leave the doorstep, but Namjoon stays there for five more seconds. Is he analyzing the girl? She seems really young. She's not korean, those big almond-like eyes talk for themselves. He wakes up from his daydream and walks to the old practice room, the one he knew very well.

To make the visit less suspicious, they make the oldest of the trainees to present the most recent song he's been working on. The next one would be the young girl.

"Adora! The youngest here! Please show us 'Danger'. Yesterday was good, give us an 'excellent' today!"

'Wait... isn't that our... song?' Namjoon thinks while staring at the girl, thanks God he's wearing sunglasses to hide the bruise he got after falling during practice, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

"D-Danger?" The girl sounds worried, insecure. Is there something wrong? Anyways, she needs to do it perfect to be accepted in the group or she'll lose the opportunity to debut.

"Yes girl! Here Mr. Kim..." Coach shakes the young man's shoulder "... doesn't have all the time in the world, please do it!"

"It's okay, if the lady doesn't want t-"
"I'll do it! Please turn on the music"

Namjoon was trying to calm the girl, looks like she needs some time to think. Her insecurity makes the young idol doubt about choosing the girl... Until the girl interrupted saying she will perform, maybe she got some balls. It's only matter of time to see how she dances.

The song starts and the girl is dancing like an angel. She's almost floating around the room, her movements are in sync with the song. It is until Namjoon hears that voice, not too smooth nor raspy, was it jazz-like voice? He didn't know what is it, but it feels like the pied piper that enchants you, he is feeling immersed in her voice.

The music stops and everyone comes out of the enchantment. Namjoon is looking at her... his brothers will kick his ass, accepting her sounds like a good idea but we would never know if it's a good decision. The coach and manager are looking at the guy between them. The idol has made a decision, and for fuck's shake it better be the good one.

"I'll do it. I'll talk to them" Namjoon says while standing up, he better runs away before regretting his decision.

"Yes! You are making a great decision, Namjoon" The manager shakes hands with this boy and they exit the practice room.

Few seconds later and the coach is in the hallway with the manager and the idol.

"I was right about the girl! She's a star,  and so you seven are! You all are going to do great things!" The manager and coach are more than exited. Namjoon is more exactly worried, he still needs to talk about this to the boys.

"But you still need to come with me and talk to the boys about this, Bang PD-nim" Namjoon makes sure his boss remembers the promise, he doesn't want to die by himself in his brothers' hands.

"Then let's get going, they may be wondering where you are" Both, the manager and the idol make their way out to the group's apartment, not without Namjoon giving a last sight to the girl exiting the practice room. There was their new band mate.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now