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Namjoon's POV

This was the last night for us in Malta.
The dinner in the sky was something I was exited about... the letter we needed to write for ourselves wasn't something I was exited about.

Just as Taehyung finishes his lovely letter, he offers me to be the next one reading the letter.

I honestly let out every single thing that was making my heart hurt in this letter, and the way I plastered the restless nights and the constant pressure from the world we put ourselves into, makes the knot in my throat grow bigger and bigger, and worst, it makes the six members in front of me change their faces to worried looks.

I finish my letter with an small smile, expecting them to get the hint that I don't really want to make an scene in front of the cameras.

They all give short reassurance words, not making the topic any deeper and I'm grateful for that. I feel how, by my side, one feminine hand sneaks between my fingers and holds my hand firmly, in a comforting way. I answer the gesture rubbing my thumb over Y/N's knuckles.

The dinner ends and the first thing I know when I go down the plataform is a thin, short form hugs me tightly.

I look at the blond guy whose hands are around my neck and smile for him.

"I'm here for you always, Namjoonie hyung" Jimin says with a hint of teary eyes while he lets go off me.
"I'm way better now, Jimin-ah, but thanks for worrying" I smile sweetly.

He walks back to the bunch of people gathered in the street, to discuss how are we going to come back home if four of them wanted to go to the local fair.

At the end, only Hoseok, Y/N and me came back to the hotel. Hoseok was evidently tired so he fell asleep over Adora's head in the car, but the girl was quiet, eyes wide open so I know she is not sleepy, still her silence makes my body shiver, like if something bad was happening inside her.

Arriving to the hotel, Adora doesn't give me a single glance and drags Hobi to her shared room with Jin and Jimin.

She previously shared the biggest bed with Yoongi, but he left Malta before us due to personal reasons. Guess she's missing Yoongi's body heat and so I am sleeping alone tonight.

Thanks to the insomnia, I know I'll fall asleep until four or five in the morning, so I just change onto comfy Koya pants and take off my shirt.

When I'm about to take my book from the side table, three soft knocks on my door interrupt the silent house.

I open the door just a bit to meet the person outside, happening to be Y/N, wearing the Van pajamas, no makeup and hair falling in soft waves on her back.
I suppose she wants to come in so I open the door wider and move away from the entrance.

Once she closes the door, both stand still, meeting gazes but saying nothing.

"Uh... Y/N? You okay, baby?"

She reacts at my voice calling her name and jumps toward me, arms around my neck and legs around my waist.
The sudden speed she gained makes me bump in the wall behind me, but she doesn't let go of my body.

"I'm so sorry" She whispers softly to my ear and I don't get the reason of the apology.

"What did you do, uh?" I asks in a whisper while sitting on the bed.

"Not being for you at your worst times" Her cheek is resting in my shoulder so I can feel how she sobs rhythmically.

Something in my chest twists at her answer.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now