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A week has seven days, a week can be considered good long-enough vacations.
There are six weeks in one month and a half, thus, I can have six different places to visit during this break.

The first place I visited was my native city, by the hand of my little sister.
Yes, she skipped school with my authorization and we enjoyed lots food, amusement parks, a warm weather and each other's company, something we couldn't do that frequently.

The second week, I visited the Jeon family in Busan, of course, along with Jungkook. This time I brought my sister with me, since I wanted her to meet the people that played an important role when I first stepped Korea.

I remember the first day Mr. Jeon called my sister 'Mini Y/N' and Jungkook debated passionately about the reasons why me and my sister were totally different.

One day in that week in Busan, when Anna was finishing some school assignments in the backyard and Jungkook was taking a nap in the sofa, Mrs. Jeon and I were chatting over a glass of refreshing cold tea in the kitchen table.

"This image makes me happy"
"What are you talking about, eomma?"
"The image of Jungkook and you visiting me together... I know my son enough to see the things that make his heart happy, for example the day he was accepted by BigHit his eyes said everything... He looks at you the same way, daughter"

I take a long sip of my tea and my ears and cheeks get slowly red while my non-blood mother laughs at my reaction.

"Maybe I didn't know you when you were little but I know you now and I can read your eyes... You look at him like that too"

I was shocked at how she could speak so freely about mine and Jungkook's feelings but what she said might not be wrong at all.

"Yes, love?"
"Do you think... Jungkook and I... are made for each other?"

She smiled sweetly and her hand traveled from the glass to my hand over the table, caressing my hand lovingly. This is the closest to maternal love I've ever felt, that's why I love her.

"I don't know, but if it is meant to be, it'll be"

The topic stopped there, when Jungkook abruptly appeared in the kitchen asking for something to eat.

That same night, Namjoon called me, asking if our trip to Italy was still going to happen. We talk for two hours about when, where and what we would do there; and after agreeing to let my sister stay in the Jeon's house for the third week of vacation, Jungkook and I parted ways, me to Italy and him to Los Angeles, with his friends.

"Are you sure you don’t want to go with me? Eunwoo said he was on promotions so he won't go"

Koo tried to take me with him but I convinced him to reunite in our fourth week, after my trip to Italy, in Paris, to celebrate Jimin's birthday.

That's how, now, I'm walking to the waiting hall in the italian airport, where I'm supposed to meet with Namjoon.

When I'm about to take a sit in the crowded room, a deep voice in a faked english accent says:

"That's my sit, baby"

My ears identify that tone and my legs stand up immediately in excitement.

"I thought I would need to wait longer"
"I'm very punctual, you know me"

Looks like we didn't catch the attention here, so that means we can travel freely around the places we chose.

The little amount of Italian language I know, due to my fixation for the country and its culture, saved our asses and we could reach the hotel safely.

"Wow it's like modern but with lots of romanticism on it"
I say while looking around the room over and over again.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now