- XV -

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"Please give an applause to the next group, Bangtan Sonyeondan!"

The MC calls out our name and we run to the back of the scenario, ready to start.

The music sounds clear and loud, fans' cheering in the background motivates me to give my everything in the presentation. Tho, in the middle of the song, we jump a little "aggressive" as part of the dance, I'm beside Taehyung, who stepped closer to me but I didn't pay much attention since doing it can become a choreo mistake. But in the very last second we jumped, Taehyung spread one of his legs, hitting my ankle and hurting me in the process, it hurts as hell, but I keep on dancing.

At the end of the dance I couldn't stand over my right ankle and V had a big ass smile like he's proud of what he did, was that on purpose?

We go down the stage and get ready to keep on working. That was the fourth performance for 'Boy in Luv' but we still practice our singing and dancing must of the day, adding the extra clases they give me to learn how to produce songs, if for some reason they take me out of the group, at least I'd be able to produce songs.

We're now on a van, on our way to the photoshoot for the next music video, 'Just one day' co-wrote by me, that's why I'm excited more than exhausted.

We step again in the building, changing our actual scholar uniform, to another clean one... did I mention we are working on a scholar topic?

I'm getting my hair ready, a high ponytail with a big white bow, so it makes me look like a "Cute girl" in words of the photoshoot director.

Turning to my left, some feet away from me, the boys are al fun and laughs while getting ready, while Anna (my stylist) and I are quietly getting myself ready. She's kind with me and also speak Spanish since she studies a lot of languages, so  sometimes I like to start little conversations with her.

"Why am I away from them?" I asked a little confused, we are supposed to work together.
"PDnim says girl and boys must be away from each other when off cameras"
I turn once more to my left, they are all in new scholar uniforms, rockstar hair and dark eyeliner, making jokes between them. Accidentally, I make eye contact with Jungkook, who smiles at me shyly and looks away immediately after hearing one of his hyungs call his name.
And back to my reality I'm looking at myself fondly in the mirror, this dream feels lonely.

"Everyone! At the center please! Let's start this thing!"

The group pictures where really hard to take, we all looked uncomfortable and unfriendly with each other; it was supposed to be a love song but we looked like we came out of the principales office after a fight in the playground.

The photoshoot director looked really done with our horrible looks, so he decided to proceed with the individual pictures.

One by one, the boys took the respective pictures needed, and of course me, being the new one, stayed at the last turn for the pictures. All of them leave and now I'm here with just four guys of the staff and my makeup artist.

"Lady, sit in the 4th chair please"

"Eyes wide open!"

"Can you give me a smile? That's it!"

"Cross your legs, like a lady!"

Am I not already a lady?

He takes a pause to analyze his work and I couldn't feel more hurted. "Gosh! You really look like a boy... We need a shorter skirt! Heels!... And more makeup! Make her look less bronzed!"

The people around me started working on what the director asked for, and once changed in what he asked for, I was feeling like someone else but not me, isn't this considered catfishing?

I try to imitate the movements the director suggests in order to look "feminine".

After one more hour, the director is satisfied with the pictures and I can't feel less weird when I analyze my appearance, that's not the way I like to look.

"Great lady! Now make sure to always appear on camera with the enough makeup!" And then he leaves.

Am I that ugly? Or what did he just tried to say?

With the lowest self-esteem I've ever had, I wave goodbye to Anna and walk out the photoshoot room.

But right before stepping out of the building, I hear the sweetest voice calling my name, and my heart pounds hard inside my chest.

"Adorable Adora, where were you?"

In front of me, few inches taller and with more freckles than when he first left, Felix is standing few meters away from me.

I let out a single tear, I missed him so much. But I let out more tears when I try to run to get him but fall down with a sharp pain in my right ankle.

"Oh God! What happened to you?!" And now he is the one to run in my direction and helps me stand up, both of his hands holding mine.
"And incident while dancing, but I don't know why does it hurt so much"

"This might need some medical attention, want to go to the nursery?" The building has a nursery, and since he stayed more years here than me, he knows where to take me.

After getting a bandage for my feet an some painkillers, he decide to take me to my shared apartment, since we have a lot to talk about.

"You didn't tell me you finally debuted"
"You disappeared after leaving this company"

Death silence, we both made mistakes

"Sorry" And we both apologize at the same time because our bond is stronger than that, I can feel it.

"What happened with the new company?" I asked first since I don't feel really comfortable while talking about 'my band'.
"They chose me to form part of a new boy band, they're still looking for a name but the dudes are cool, I like them"
"Whoa! I'm glad to hear that, I'm pretty sure you're gonna get farther there, you'll be so famous~"
"I'm working hard to improve my talents, I really need to get farther"
"You'll do, give time to time"

Three seconds and I start sensing how he really needs to ask about my group.

"So... can I ask about..."
"Go ahead..."
"Are they treating you nicely?"
"Three of them behave like I don't exist, three hate me and just one looks friendly, he's my age"
"Wow... that doesn't sounds like the band of your dreams... you know, I watch the performance and I panicked when I saw you were surrounded by seven male"
"It is... hard"
"It looks like it... but you know? I trust you gonna survive, maybe you won't be friends with all of them but you worked hard for your dreams, right, Y/N?"

That's what is being running in my head lately, even if this is one of the must uncomfortable thing in my life, I need to keep going to get that dream.

"Although, you have ME, I'll always be there for you, whenever you need me, however you want to use me"

I look at him fondly, then those words made me remember what happened the day he left. I was about to mention that but he changes the topic.

"So your house is close from here?"
"Next block" I decided to ask about it later, but my ankle is hurting again and now I'm walking slowly.

"Oh c'mon Y/N! Just one more bloc- I HAVE AN IDEA!"

And without even asking for my authorization, he lifts me off the ground and holds me bridle style.

"I was about to yell at you, but my foot is hurting so bad that I just let you carry me, thanks"
He laughs at my no-resistence and we move like this joking about my current circumstances till we are in front of the door.

I unlocked the door not carrying about the fact that I'm still on Felix's arms laughing about how we were about to roll down the stairs on our way here; until I hear a loud exaggerated gasp and a low "What the fuck?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now