- CIII -

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"Well talk about this tomorrow"

Jin turns around and heads upstairs where his bedroom is.

I'm just going from bad situations to worse ones.

Now with a bigger need to cry, I went back to my bedroom. It is now looking a mess but guess it's just a reflection of what's going on inside me.


The house was quiet.

I drove my sister to school early in the morning and I came back to find five men having breakfast in the kitchen.

There was my main threat at the moment, Jin, cooking breakfast with an evident angry expression, making the aura of the room get darker and darker with each minute.

Namjoon's not here, probably heading work earlier than any of us, and of course, without having breakfast.

Yoongi, as per usual, eats in the kitchen island quiet and reading something in his phone. He doesn't give me a single glance nor talks to Jin.

Jimin is sitting beside Yoongi, shirtless and hair wet, having breakfast as well but, of course, ignoring my presence.

To my surprise, Hoseok is not here having breakfast and chatting happily with everyone, guess that's why the room is full of tension.

Taehyung sits in the head of the kitchen island, a small smile on his face and humming while chewing the breakfast Jin cooked.

On the opposite corner to his, there was Jungkook, with eyes wide open which is a clear sign he is scared, maybe because of hearing Jin outside his room.

Jin turns around with two plates in hand.

"Sit down" He commands and I just obey, few seconds later he is sitting beside me, both having the same breakfast in our plates.

"May I know... Where were you last night?"

"Here" Jungkook hurries to answer.
"At Mina's" Jimin says nonchalantly.
"Museum" I say.
"An art gallery" Taehyung answers.

The only two similar destinations are Taehyung's and mine.

"Were you two together?" Jin asks.


Me and Taehyung answer respectively at the same time, I sigh in exasperation.

"There's no need to hide it, Taehyung. We just hanged out together in our free day, nothing that alarming"

"And there's also this picture so, obviously, you two where together. Thanks for your honesty" Jin says rather sarcastically.

"Pictures?" Jimin asks interested and Jin hands him the phone with the picture of us two leaving the art gallery.

Jimin frowns at the image but says nothing and returns the phone to the owner.

Yoongi all this time only witnessing silently the mess we had over the table.

"I'm leaving now, see ya in practice"
He takes his plate to the sink "And I expect you to be in my studio later, Adora"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now