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Around nine in the morning, Namjoon arrived to his studio, ready to start a productive day and forget about all the crap he's been dealing with, but the words he exchanged with Yoongi replaying are in his head like a lined acetate disc.

'She never had sick intentions... She kinda tried to love all of us at the same time'

'I know I did wrong when I didn't told you what was going on but I thought it would've been better if she talked about it herself'

'I'm sorry, I was selfish'

Every question his mind had was honestly answered by his hyung, so now he can't hate the man that was also played by that lady's dumb heart.

That lady's dumb heart...

Her image appears on Namjoon's mind and it becomes unavoidable to not think about her, just as it happens with the rest of his brothers.

Y/N's memory keeps on wandering his mind as he sends an assistant for coffee in the afternoon, beverage he never like to have that late, but the simple taste of heavy coffee in his tongue is the closest sensation he'll have to Y/N's lips, that taste she had the last night they shared together, the last time he had her in his arms.

His mind keeps on composing lyrics one after the other, none stops until Jin appears to take him out for dinner.

"How many did you get today?" Seokjin asks the younger man, referring to the songs he wrote.

"Around 6, two of them incomplete"
RM answers in all honesty.

Jin has always been bewitched by RM's lyricism, so he enjoys reading his work, it sometimes helps the oldest to have some ideas for the lyrics he helps composing.

Thus, Seokjin has realized about a curious thing in the younger's work.

Every single lyrics is stained by the description of a woman, an immaculate image Namjoon devoted to in every song. He never writes a name, but one simple reading is enough to know how bewitched Namjoon is with the unknown character.

"I keep on wondering who's she"
Seokjin questions, eyes still pasted to the words in the notebook that keeps the lyrics intact.

"I don't know... Someone who lives in my daydreams, I can't tell where that inspiration comes from"

"Oh, I do know where all that comes from, Namjoon-ah"
"Well, keep it to yourself, hyung"

Seokjin has accepted his fate, if she disappeared like that is because maybe they weren't meant to be. You know what the wise tongues say, if you love something, set it free, if it comes back it's yours, if not, it never was. Jin has a little hope that the girl she loves will come back to him, but for that to happen, he first needs to wait patiently.

"I will play pretend I don't know who she is"
"Whatever is best for you, Namjoon"

It stressed Namjoon to see Jin not struggling at all with her absence.

"Doesn't it hurt you that she left us without even trying to fix things? She just ran away!"

"She might needed space so I'm doing it, but if you want so badly to talk things out, why don't you look for her?"

RM angrily glares at Jin and his nonchalant demeanor, the silent fight between wrath and sloth.

"I'm done with all of this Seokjin, I won't care about her or about you all, I have my songs and stars that's enough, bye to all of you! I don't care if she hates me at this point! I'm surely not the one for her..."

"So you're letting her go?"
Seokjin asks a bit worried about the mental breakdown Namjoon's curre the having.

"What am I supposed to do? Listen to the little voice that tells me to wait for her to come back?"

As a lightning landing in his brain, Seokjin finds the bottom of the matter, Namjoon just doesn't wants to stay still by himself waiting for destiny to make the moves for him.

"Okay, let's look for her together, then"

Seokjin offered the solution, knowing a fight between them wouldn't solve the problem not heal their hurting hearts. And deep inside, doing something to get her back made his hope grow a little.

Hope lights RM's eyes, but as if a little kid we were talking about, he still hesitates, worried about the outcomes of moving the rubble of their hearts by themselves to search for answers.

"C'mon Namjoon-ah, your hyung knows what he's doing" Jin encourages his idea.

"And what if we find her?"
"She owes us an explanation of course... then you can deal with your feelings as you please, but just after knowing the complete version"
"Fine... let's look for her" Namjoon said, still scared about the outcomes of the investigation.

"Great!" A genuine smile appears in Jin's features after long time without smiling "We know, according Yoongi, that she's no longer here in Seoul"

"And I guess boss won't say a word about her whereabouts"

"Let's start for an easy one.... L/N Anna"
The oldest of the group calls Adora's younger sister, but the call was never answered.

"Of course this will happen, she might changed her sister's phone"

Namjoon pulls from his own hair in desperation but Seokjin rests a hand in the younger's shoulder.

"We're not giving up that easily, Namjoon-ah~ We can still call your ex, I bet they're still best friends... We can call her 97's friends or even... Felix" The name of the last male making their hearts twist in distress "We can also look in her favorite places around the world, you know? Her native city, London, Paris, Italia, India... We'll visit those places if necessary..."

"We sound like fucking freaks, Seokjin-ah"

Both chuckle after realizing the craziness of their plans.

"Guess that means we really really love her"

Both kept their searching slowly, the main question guiding their steps: Where do broken hearts go?

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now