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Third Person POV

The song ends and the playful final poses of the band makes the crowd scream.

The girl feels like crying, eyes filling with tears. She just wanted to give Taehyung a piece of his own medicine and she ended up tasting it as well.

The main interviewer finishes the program after thanking the band and the program ends.

The people who visited the forum were leaving now, and the boys going backstage to get ready to go home.

Y/N with teary eyes, followed the seven males from behind; but the bandmates noticed it.

They lived that feeling closer than they would like to admit. The first year was rough and scenes like the past one were lived by every single one of the boys so when then noticed the dead silence during the performance, something inside them broke... Even deep inside Taehyung's mind.

So the first to act was Jin, who couldn't stop thinking about her as the angel sent from heaven to be protected by him. Like a gift only for him.

The problem was that Jin could never find the right words to express sympathy, so the only thing he thought as alright was hugging her.

She broke down in his own arms.

"Why is people so rude?"
"I told you to stop reading Tweets"

She was referring to social media, the fans that didn't cheer for her earlier, Taehyung being an asshole and even Jungkook building an invisible wall between them.

"I'll talk to him, deep inside he wants to be your friend, I know"

He got the point, as if telepathy was used and the girl snuggled deeper into his chest.

"Is she alright? Hey girl, look at me"
Now Namjoon, as the second parent in charge, needs to check on the little lady.

Adora lets go of Jin's hug and looks at Namjoon teary-eyed. He really wanted to say something wise and healing but that big honey eyes just made him hug her before a word came to mind.

Their arms were so warm.

"This happens regularly, don't mind them. They usually get crazy with every breath we take so... Don't think about it, they'll love you eventually"

But what if they don't?

She doesn't dare to ask it but the question keeps on biting her brain slowly on their way home. What if the fans never like her?

She's sitting with Hoseok, whom never left her hand for a second. His thumb caressing the back of her hand in a calming way. He knows as well what does it feels like to be hated for just being you, but he doesn't like to talk about it, he prefers to focus in his current self-love, not the assholes who made him feel down once.

"I know it was a prank, they just don't... have sense of humor, they don't deserve you"

He whispers for the girl and she gets her head to rest on Hoseok's arm, since she's not that tall.

Arriving home, everything was blue. How was it possible to affect the whole atmosphere between the eight with a single bad attitude from the crowd? That was the string of destiny pulling all of them together, but they don't know it yet.

"Y/N-ie! Jin hyung's asking what is your favorite food?"

Her puffy red eyes, pink cheeks and swollen lips evidences how much she cried silently inside her room. But that doesn't stops Jimin from intruding into her room and asking directly the question.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now