- IV -

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I had no idea of what to sing in korean, like, I just barely speak korean, what the damn hell am I going to sing?

Out of the BigHit building, I hugged Felix, I wouldn't be here without him.

"You are crying in my arms but haven't told me why did they say no..."
"It was a partial no"
"A partial no"
"I don't... get it..."
"They said they like my voice but they didn't like the language, so... they said I must prepare a korean song and they would call to give me a last opportunity in two weeks or so"
"Is that the only thing you are going to say?"
"I mean... that's a good thing, isn't it?..."
"You seemed zoned out"
"I'm just... surprised?... they're like... people of 'yes or no', not the 'second chance' type"
"It means, then, I got to work harder. What's the name of this group? The one who debuted from here?"

I got an amazing idea, I'll sing the song of their new group and there would be just two options: I will raise as the non korean hip hop queen in Korea or I will humiliate myself to dead and then try to live a normal life in this country, byebye to the idol dream.

I worked hard by my own, studied and practiced hard the song. 'No More Dream' such a good tone and such a hard rap. I was about to give up like 10 times in the first week, and the second one I struggled less but still had a hard time practicing, even more without Felix, he disappeared of my sight because he got to work hard in his own dream.

The last day of the second week and no call. I even waited till 2 am of Monday, but nothing happened. I remember crying at night in the store and at the restaurant the next morning.

Then, something amazing happened. A week after my sad episode, at the end of my morning shift as a waitress, I recived a call, a call from BigHit.
I almost throw up in the street, but got myself together and answered the phone.

"Is this Y/L Y/N?" I heard through the phone
"Yes, this is her" I say in an exited korean accent.
"We would like to hear what we arranged last time we met, are you still interested in our proposal, miss?"
"O-of course, I've been waiting for your call, actually" I stopped practicing since that sad morning and my face is still puffy because of all the crying, but I won't lose my opportunity.
"I'm glad to hear that. We'll be waiting for you this Friday at noon"
"Sure Sir, I promise you won't regret this"
He ended the call immediately, but I was more than happy to care about his no-answer.

It was Monday and still have few days to practice. I'm ready to give my everything.

I got to meet Felix on wednesday. He looked tired, we just exchanged important little things, he's still training to be the next one to debut, and I told him I got my call from BigHit and finally would sing on Friday. He left really early and told me he would be waiting for me at the building entrance so he could know how it went.

Now, I'm trying to stabilize my heart and breathing before entering in the building that could become a ticket to my dreams.
This is what I desire the most. Left my little sister alone in that bad dream to give her and me a better life. This is for us. This is my way to say thank you to those teachers back in Europe, and to say special thanks to Felix, I wouldn't be able to do these without him. This is for all of them. This is for me.

I pushed the heavy door too hard and fell down in front of the receptionist, not the greatest entrance but I'm here.

Ten minutes later and I'm in front of the same three men that saw my performance last time. But now I was dressed in all black, long hair styled in two braids, it was all or nothing.

"Good morning miss Y/L, we really hope you had worked hard for today... you may start"

Without losing time, I played the instrumental song for 'No More Dream' so my voice could stand out, adding of course the dance steps I memorized in the back of the 24-hours store. Singing like an angel, if female angels would have raspy voice; and dancing like a devil, modifying some of the 'man-like' movements to something more 'girly'; that's what they like, 'girly' girls, Felix once told me.

I ended the presentation with a split and my chin up. Proud of myself, I standed up an make a little bow.

They whispered something between them, this is getting me again on my nerves. One of them looked back at me and then continued talking to the other two.

"Miss Y/L, we would like to bring someone else to watch your performance, please give us five minutes, you may wait outside the practice room"

I froze in my place for 5 seconds and then make my way out of that room. Letting go of the air I didn't know I was holding, my back rested on the wall across the door. Does that someone means a possible entrance to their teamwork?

The five minutes wait became a ten minutes wait and I couldn't be more nervous, I needed to pee and also to cry, without considering the fact that my friend might be outside waiting for me, Shit, I really hope they accept me or else, I will bury myself alive in front of this damn building and then make sure my ghost follows them util their very last day.

My dumb thoughts disappeared as soon as the three old men entered the hallway I was standing in; then, I noticed this fourth person.

Tall and really thin guy, he looked around my age. His hair styled in a weird kind of incomplete afro and black sunglasses. He's wearing black leggings under his sport pants and a long white jacket. What is going on in here?

"Miss Y/L, you may come in again"

Inside the practice room again, I saw my reflection in the big dirty mirrors, I really looked like a joke, even the new weird boy has more style than I do.

"This is the new judge we said we'd bring to watch you, so please show us again what you worked on, miss"
"Sure, sir"

Oh gosh, how many times would I be tested?

I breath out and play the music once again. This time I did it better than the first time. I got to sing the complete song without forgetting any words and definitely went harder with the dance, because 'all or nothing'.
The same end, me doing an split and my chin up. I standed up once again and wait for someone to say something.

"Thank you Y/L, please wait for us in the hallway, we'll call your name again to tell you the final decision"  The third old man, who never talked before, says and I basically run away from that room, I'm starting to get dizzy inside there.

I found myself waiting again in this damn hallway, again sweating cold as if there's no tomorrow. But this time I'll know if it is a yes or a no for me.

Around 12 minutes waiting and the man with big nose stands in the doorstep thanking the young guy for his help. After that, he lets me in.

"Miss Y/L Y/N, we've talked about your presentation, it looks like you worked really hard... even though, we think you can do better things..."

Oh no, this is all? This is their goodbye?

"... And we really think you can improve all that details with us... We'd like to inform you: you are inside our BigHit Trainee program, Welcome Y/N"

So then I... did it?

Everything passed so fast, the three males are shaking my right hand while introducing theirselves. I just got to remember the nickname of the one with big nose, Bang PD, was it that?.
And as soon as I blink my eyes, I'm outside the building been hugged by a tall cute Felix while he whispers how happy he was and how we might make our dreams come true.

So here starts my ride, the roller coaster to get to the top


This is about to start so please stay with me

Vote and comment, plzz.   x

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now