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The soundproof wall made of the room a quieter one for the man resting his head on the desk, headphones on and fingers massaging his temples.

This big shadow hovering over him doesn't let him write, breathe or live at all. How is he supposed to write the next mind-blowing single when all he thinks about is how to put back in place all the pieces that his heart broke in when she left?

One of his tunes plays again and again in the big headphones, and he feels like falling in and out of focus between the played song and the pain his soul is in.

The paper sheets to his left showed tons of songs written when she was there, brightly by his side and now that he looks at them from afar, his head throbs, like remembering him to not look at them unless he wants to cry out loud for real.

A month ago from today, the man tried to visit Y/N in her apartment, knowing she won't give the first step and meet them all at once.
Big surprise when the guard in the entrance told him she no longer lived there. Without warning she left Seoul to God knows where, like if Y/N would have given up loving him and that hurted him to his very core.

Oh! How he wished to never let her in! How he wished to avoid that his younger self allowed himself to love her. That simple decision back then is now passing an expensive bill.

Before thinking farther about his decisions, someone knocks on his studio's door.


Hoseok called from the other side of the door, his shadow reflects two cups in hand, maybe tea?

Yoongi, the tormented man, opens the door for his mate, who's actually holding coffee.

"What happened?" The cat-guy asked the sunshine one.

"I figured you'd be here... I didn't want us to be alone" The sunshine-guy answered.

Most of the boys where angry at Yoongi, for not mentioning anything about dating Y/N, but Hoseok was so fond of Suga that he decided to hear all the story from the so called traitor. That talk ended with Hoseok's rage, now feeling guilty for cursing their names since that day.

J-Hope offers the pot to the older man and both sit on the leather sofa inside the room.

"I know I sound like a freak but... A month ago we discovered she left..." Hobi, for some reason, needed to talk about it before the thoughts ate him alive.

"We got to know about it a month ago, but we haven't seen her like... in five months" Suga corrects the information, he's been thinking about it too.

"Isn't it crazy to miss her even if she acted so selfish?" Yoongi asks out loud, for the first time doubting about his fervent love towards her, isn't he behaving like a mental man?

"I don't know..." Hoseok answered "I miss her even if she broke my heart"

Both chuckle after hearing each other accepting their same helpless stage.

"She disappeared like if she just gave up on loving us... aren't we supposed to forget about her now?" Yoongi asks looking lost at the ceiling.

"You want to forget about her?" Hoseok tried to reason with his partner
"I'm just saying... Maybe it'll be easier for everyone if we just let go, Hoba"

The pair stayed quiet for a moment, weighing the idea of forgetting the girl of their dreams.

No. That's not the answer.

Or at least that's what both hearts said.

"Even if disappeared, she still gives us a hard time" Yoongi chuckles when he realized how hard they were thinking about their future.

"We can't even talk properly with each other, she surely worked with a poisonous kind of love" Hoseok follows the joke "But why don't you try and talk with Namjoon-ah instead of running away from the situation?"

"He's stubborn as hell! What am I supposed to say, uh? 'Hey, don't hate me for dating the girl you like'... What abou that?" Suga says sarcastically while his free hand run through his messy brown hair.

"He might be more relaxed now... There's only two options if you talk: He'll ignore you and everything stays the same or he forgives you and we can all be friends again"

Yoongi clicks his tongue at the thought of asking for forgiveness when he just did what his heart most desired.

"Though... you need to have on mind that we still have a band together, we can't let it die because of something like love, you know?"

Hoseok played as the littke cricket guiding Yoongi throughout hell, knowing that not only for the great of their hearts but also for the band's name, they'll need to talk about everything, sooner or later.

And so, later that day under J-Hope's influence, Suga took his phone and called RM, in hopes of the latest to be kind and answer.


An sleepy voice sounded on the other line.

"Namjoon-ah, I... guess is time to talk about what happened"

A yawn interrupts the conversation.
"Hyung, it's 2 a.m. and for the first time I was able to fall asleep early, I really need to sleep now... please call another time"

"I'll be around 4 tomorrow at your place"
"I'm not in my apartment... I'm staying at Jin's at the moment"
"Great. I'll explain to both of you"

Without waiting for an answer, Yoongi ends the call and sighs relieved. Hoseok was right, no matter what Suga's planning to do with his feelings, the first thing they'll need to do is keep the band -or the remindings of it- together.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now