- CXX -

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Another day, another awards. This is a funny yet tiring season for the band. Being here and there receiving awards but in exchange, performing their best songs for around 10 to 20 minutes.


All of them are fixing details from their hair, to the makeup and finally the outfit.

Y/N is helping Taehyung fix his black cummerbund, while some staff is fixing Adora's half ponytail.

"You look fancy, Tae~" She said after finishing tying the slats to his waist.

"You'll look fancier if you wear the harness~"

Jimin appears beside her, holding the harness she's supposed to wear but since she felt like the belt around her neck was enough, and the way her chest area looks bigger with the upright leather, makes her feel uneasy.

"I think it is too much"
"Wear it~" Jimin commands "You'll look sexier"
"I-" The girl thinks of it a little "I will look sexier... I'll wear it, I guess"

Jimin smiles for her, while Taehyung watches the scene with a smirk on his face.
Jimin's hands work skillfully over Adora's waist, closing the belt around her form, and then slowly throwing the suspenders over her shoulders while his fingertips make of a simple harness a whole experience for both.

"Ready, beauty" Jimin taps her waist. Long time since Jimin's lips said that pet name and even more painful time for Adora without listening to that word.

"Let's start walking to the big stage, please guys!" Some guy with an earpiece instructed the band and one by one leave the room.

Adora was the last one in line, but stopped her steps to look to the side, where Namjoon got his silver chain tangled with the first buttons of his shirt.

'Typical of him' She thought before walking towards the lanky man trying to solve the mess he himself caused.

"Here" She said in a demanding voice before placing both of her hands over the shirt and chain, this making Namjoon push his own hands away to let the delicate ones of the lady help him.

As Adora's small hands work skillfully over the knot, he gets advantage of his height to look over her face and her concentrated demeanor.
It's been a while since RM had her this close, he can take a look over the sweet eyes of hers, the perfect brown lipstick and even one or two moles sneaking through the makeup. She's breathtaking.

"Ready. You would've broken the chain or ripped the shirt before undoing the knot" She jokes and giggles, it's been also long time since he heard that laugh, she's been giving him a partial silent treatment.

"You know me well" RM said while Adora had her hands resting over his chest, receiving a sad smile from her.

Of course she knows him well. Y/N knows everything but his feelings towards her. The rejection hurt her to the point of wanting to ignore his existence, but it was his decision after all, she has to live with it.

"Let's go burn the stage, boss"
He chuckles at the title "Let's go"

The three meters tall snake raises in the middle of the stage while the spectators listen to the introduction video with great visuals.

The band waits behind the large table, two of them in the front to start the song.

Immediately the sound of 'Dionysus' resonates all over the venue, the artists start to move, right to left then up and down the tables and chairs, emanating such a strong masculine beauty all over the place.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now