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Nobody said a word about the accidental post. It died down like a bad dream for the couple since none of the bandmates mentioned a word about it.

She could finally exhale all the stress that was choking her, instead breathing in peaceful refreshing Parisienne air.

"It is relaxing, right?"
Jimin, walking side to side with her, flashes a smile when she sees the girl she loves easing her mood a little.

"Yeah... It is, Jimin-ah"

The scenery was something to die for. Champs de Mars were illuminated by a purple sunset, while the pair of artist take a peaceful walk during their one-day break after two full crowded concerts in Paris.

"Do you remember when someone saw us there?" His finger, adorned by a silver ring, pointed to the parallel field they were walking.

"Yes! I thought it would get us in trouble but it ended up being a video that got us in trouble"
She said it with a hint of sadness.

"I've been worried about you, Y/N"
Jimin didn't stop his walk but instead took Adora's hand in one of his.

"Why would you?" She asked trying not to sound rude.
"You've been distant... treating us only professionally... You're eyes tell something is bothering your mind"

He can read her that fast and easily.

"Whatever is bothering you... I'll be willing to help you, beauty"

'You're part of the things that don't let me sleep at night' She would've liked to say.

"I don't want to get you all involved in my shit... And I think you can't do much about my problems"
"Since we all are one, we're already involved in it, you know?"

She thought for a second, is their bond that deep?

"Why would you say that, Jimin-ah?"
"Simple... We can smile only when you smile... Are you that blind to not see it?"

She shut her mouth, if they're that tangled in her feelings, then there's a big ass problem.


The sun is setting and the purple tones get darker, almost dark blue. It's like if this darkness is consuming her, in front of Jimin's eyes.

"Do you love me?"
"Yes, for sure" He answered right away
"And you love Taehyung too... right?"
"Yes, I love him too" He said without doubts

She tried to loose the knot in her throat to talk out her feelings.

"How... How can you manage to love two at the same time?"

Jimin smiled at her question, his eyes dripping love when hers are about to cry from desperation.

"I just let it flow... it's because of Tae I can exist, but you give meaning to my existence... Is that explanation clear enough?" He asked, looking at Y/N's profile

"Love should feel like a fresh breeze during a summer night, not like a storm that will drown you in any second" He added, trying to ease the lady's mind.

She was about to complain about his statement when some rush of fresh air ran past the couple, easing the hot weather, easing Y/N's heart at the way Jimin covered her body with a big hug to avoid any branch or leaf to get stuck in her newly dyed burgundy hair.
This show of affection melted her heart, so she decided to change the words that would slip out of her mouth.

"Summertime is meant to fall in love"
Y/N thought out loud, still in Jimin's soft embrace.

"I don't exactly know in which season of the year I fell in love with you, but this summer in Paris is making me fall for you more and more"

She didn't say anything since she's still struggling with all the love she keeps in her heart. Y/N just doesn't want to get her heart broken, but the guys' hearts are also in danger. Now what?

"Why won't you confess to all of us?"
He said out loud, the girl's heart skipped at the idea and he sensed it "Sorry, honest, you need to hear our side of the story... Maybe loving more than one person wouldn't sound as crazy as you think"

"Well, whose story you need to hear is the part you need to investigate by yourself... I just know Kookie's and Tae's story, but still be careful with what you ask"

Curiosity killed the cat. What now? It isn't a one-sided love from at least three of them... But what's the next step?

"Don't stress yourself just now... Time will tell you when to ask... Let's get some ice cream, okay? I know it'll surely ease your heart"

She smile at the idea of a pastry to relax her mind. Adora leaded the way to the ice cream shop and the night went by less suffocating and more full of love, Jimin's love.

"Hey! Wait here!" He stopped in front of his hotel room, shared with Namjoon.

Inside the room, Namjoon was relaxing over a brown sofa, scrolling through his phone when he saw his short roommate enter in a hurry and pick up a sizable gift box.

Namjoon peeked inside the box earlier when the owner wasn't there, finding an oddly mirror, what's that for?

Jimin pays no mind to his leader eyeing him suspiciously, instead he left the room and standed in the hallway, in front of Y/N.

"Before our walk, I went shopping with Jungkook-ah and got this for you"

He extended the box, heavy in Y/N's hands while she tried to open it.

"A mirror?" She eyed the gift amazed, a golden hand mirror with a vine-like ornament. The letters 'PJM' in the back of the handle and Y/N's initials in the back of the mirror.

She is smart, there's a reason to have this as a gift "May I know the meaning of the gift, Jimin-ah?"

"A mirror... so every time you use it, you see who I love the most in this world... you"

Jimin finished the statement with a fond smile, caressing Y/N's cheek while she's still looking at the mirror, a tear rolling from her eye and falling on the mirror.

"Thank you, Jimin-ah... This- YOU! mean so much to me"

One last warm hug and the girl can go to her hotel room, shared with Taehyung, to cry out all the love she feels for the pouty boy.

Meanwhile, Namjoon walked away from the door, stopping the eavesdropping with a huge pain in his chest... why can't he be that brave to lose his sanity for love?

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now