- XLIX -

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Jimin hugs his best friend tightly, he was about to get in the car that'll drive him to his parents house in Daegu.

"I'll leave for just a month, then I'll be back to enjoy Seoul with you, okay? Don't get sad~"

Taehyung now squeezes Jimin's body and lets go of him.

"I'm going to miss you too, Y/N-ie"
"Same here, Tae. Please take care and enjoy a lot"

They hug tightly and she leaves a kiss in his cheek, this time a honest one. Like the new friends they are.

"Bye hyung, take care"
Jin and Taehyung hug.
"Behave and enjoy, Taehyung-ssi"

He gets in the car and the rest wave goodbye until the form of the car disappears in the highway.

"So... You leave in four hours, Jimin-ah?"
"Yes, hyung! My father will come for me to our house"
"You really going to visit your parents in two weeks, Jin hyung?"
"Yes~ My parents went out for some rest but come back in two weeks so meanwhile I'm spending my free days here"

There's an uncomfortable silence.

She has the money to travel, their support to travel, and even school wasn't an excuse since there were also vacations.
She simply didn't dare to go and face her parents. They'll probably kick her out of their house, out of their family.

The rest of the band were already gone, each one deciding to spent their time differently but everyone was away from Seoul, so Jin, who was the one to leave at the end, promised to look after the girl.

The last four hours with Jimin before his departure to Busan where nicely, they ate as if there was no tomorrow and enjoy video games together.

"Thank you for coming for Jimin-ah, dad"
"It's okay, son. Remember, if any of you two want to visit Busan, my cafe is open for you"
"Thank you, dad"

The four bowed goodbye and then Jimin and his father leave the city as well.

"I hate deep talks, little one..."
"Then, don't do it hyung"
"... But you really need to go there and talk to your parents"
"I'm... scared"

He cupped her cheeks, internally screaming because he wanted to do that for a long time.

"Hyung is here to protect you"
"Even from my parents?"

The question sounded innocent, yet the girl really felt lonely for some time, and after listening to Jin's words, she really hoped he wasn't just lying to her.

"Even from your parents, little one"

He gives her that secure cheeky smile that makes his lips pouting out.

So kissable, she thinks.

"I have thought about it, and Namjoon-ah also gave me his consent..."

He lets go of her cheeks.

Too kissable, he thinks.

He clears his throat to get rid of his thoughts.

She's relatively a minor, Seokjin-ah, stop this thoughts...

"If you let me... I can take you to London... you know... I'll be there for you if things get too hard"
"Not your obligation, but I think you should really talk to them... Fix things"
"Yo- You'd travel with me?"
"If you want me to... then yes"

She assimilates the words; he's showing too much interest and her attention is being stole by the fact that she finds him not only attractive, but also as a good wooer for the way he carries himself so freely and how he takes care of the other six. Even if he got to act childish sometimes, when it comes to serious topics, like this one about her, he would be the most serious man in the group, along with Namjoon, of course.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now