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Last day of the tour. Sixteen dates weren't easy, it's been feeling like a roller coaster. There are good things and bad things but from the bad things you learn, right?

The management planned a fancy dinner to celebrate the end of this 'Dark & Wild' era. They think what we have achieved is the biggest goal ever, tho, there are two boys in the group who think different. Suga and RapMon still think our album deserved more recognition and at least a nomination in the big awards.

We're finishing the tour in Busan, one of the biggest korean cities. I've been here before but every time I travel to a different city, it amazes me beyond the expectations.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! You need to start the soundcheck in thirty minutes and you're still eating?!"

The eight of us were enjoying fried chicken before the soundcheck but the manager has other plans, he wants tonight to be perfect so he's behaving a little... stressful.

Twenty minutes later we start the soundcheck and two more hours later, we're getting ready for the final concert.

I'm wearing a black leather skirt, like the school one, a tight shirt and Converse. After my birthday, every TV program and newspaper press started calling me a tomboy because of the rap so I was obligated to behave the most feminine I could, my clothes are no other but tight and short, showing what 'a woman must have'. This is so disgusting.

And of course, Namjoon keeps on apologizing because he thinks he caused it and it is known how much I hate to show skin like this, but Suga assure me I must dress as I want because they shouldn't influence in the way I dress. The rest of them try to support me while saying I look good in whatever I wear.

We're about to go up on stage and our leader gives the well known words to encourage our last concert.

"We can only expect things to go up from here, okay? Let's get this" He said.

The concert goes by too fast that when I realized about time, we're already bowing goodbye to all of the crowd who came to see us.


And the lights turned off.

Won't lie, I cried a little after the lighs turned off, this is my dream becoming true and I can't believe I'm really doing this, my sister is going to be so proud of me.

I'm changing into the dress the stylists got me for tonight's dinner. A green dress that ends before the knees, letting on sight my legs in high heels. Straps so thin that it looks like they'd slip from my shoulders. And the v-neck letting the summer air hit my chest area directly.

If this is not girly enough, I don't know what it is.

I stand up from the makeup chair, where the lady was fixing my eyeshadow, messed up because of my sweaty forehead while I was performing.

With a little twirl in front of the big mirror, I check myself out. I feel like those teenagers in the american movies ready to lose control in a party.
But I'm actually going to a work dinner.

"Adora is ready!" My stylist anounces so the rest hurry up and finish what they're doing.

"Where is- Wow... Y/N is that you?"

Taehyung is behind me giving me that strange look boys give to a girl.

"Uhmm... yes? I think so"
"Never saw you in a dress... I mean! Green suits you!"
"Uhmm, thank you (?"
"The oth... The others must want to see you- I mean to leave now, uh- shall we go now?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now