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"Do you remember what happened last time we went partying?"

Jimin's pout turns to a smirk.

"I'll gladly repeat it"
"Not that, dumbass!" Adora slaps Jimin's arm "I mean the thing after that! Our friendship went down hill"

Jimin groans annoyed.
"But I bought this for you to wear tonight! And I already know what to do so we don't end up in trouble as last time" The boy shakes the bag in front of Adora, who reluctantly takes it and takes a look inside it, being met with wine red velvet.

"Where's the club?"

Jimin's eyes sparkled but Adora shoots

"I'm not saying yes, I just want to know where is it"
"Between the 3th and the 5th" Jimin shows the map displayed in his phone screen.

"Is far enough from the spotlight..." She reflected out loud "Okay, I'm going"

Jimin gives little skips in his place and then kisses Y/N's nose.

"I'll come and knock on your door at 8"


Yoongi opens Adora's bedroom door like if he owned the place, finding a rather interesting scenery.

Y/N is sitting in front of her Hollywood vanity mirror, music softly lulling the place and a velvety dress over her bed.

"Do we have something programmed?"
He asked dumbfounded.

"No~ I'm going out tonight"
"Without your boyfriend?"

She shivers every time Suga calls himself her boyfriend and a smile dances in her features.

"Jimin invited me, I don't think he'd like the idea of you coming with me"
"Aghh~ Sharing is a pain in the ass~"

He crosses the room till he can successfully place a kiss on the girl's forehead and then plops on her bed, beside the dress.

She got ready in an hour or so, with Suga eyeing every movement.

"Would you mind helping me with se zipper?"

He wastes no time in standing behind her short figure, zipping up slowly while enjoying the way the fabric becomes tighter around her petite body.

"That lucky bastard will enjoy this view while sit here all alone" He mumbles over Y/N's soulder, before bitting lovingly the place.

"I'll bring a souvenir for you, promise"

Someone knocks on the door and the couple turns to look at the clock, 7:59 p.m.; she doesn't have the dark lipstick yet so Yoongi gets advantage of it and kisses de girl hungrily for a complete minute, leaving her breatheless. He lets go of her waist and walks to the door as if there wasn't something painfully twitching inside his pants.

"Oh- So you are the one going out with her" Suga said in a nonchalant way, passing by Jimin and without looking back he adds "Then see you at my studio at 4 tomorrow, Adora-ssi"

He's a great actor, Adora thought as she tries to calm her heart and breathing.

"What happened?" Jimin asks worried when he saw Adora's unsteady breathing.

"N- Nothing, I just- Thought he wouldn't let us go out"
"Oh" Jimin thinks for a moment "Nah~ We would've sneak out of the window"

He comes back from the images of them jumping from the second floor of their house and talks again "Shall we go?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now