- LIII -

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Third person POV

"Hyung, do we really need to repeat this part again?"
"Yes Jungkookie, stop talking and start singing"

Close to 3 a.m. a random weekend night. The eight singers are recording the first pre chorus for 'I NEED U' for the twentieth time of the night.

Namjoon is not satisfied with how it sounds but the group is so tired that they can't do any better.

"Again, but this time do it on time"

You're mine

You're mine

The song stops.

"I can't hear Jimin-ah, let's change places"

And the big circle they formed moves two steps to the left.


Hate you

I hate you

"This is not going anywhere... Let's change to the next verse, Namjoon-ah"

Yoongi is also in charge of fixing the song today, but everyone is so exhausted that the song goes worst every time they try to change something.

Frustration can be read and their eyes but they really need to succeed with this song so they won't give up easily.

But when clock hits 4 a.m., Y/N really feels the need to stop her hyungs' path.

"H- Hyung..."

She pulls from Yoongi's t-shirt a little to get his attention.

"Can we stop now, it's 4 a.m., Jungkook and I have classes on Monday and... If you want... we can start working earlier tomorrow. Tomorrow is my turn to work with the song"

The rest of the boys look pleading at Suga and his heart softens a bit.

"Go home, I'll work a bit more with this"

Not so sure of his decision, everyone leaves Yoongi alone in the studio.

He hates so much to be alone, because that's the time when internal demons start chasing him, the negative thoughts eat him alive and there's nobody there to show him how to swim away before drowning.

Then he remembers his Hoba, who's willing to stay by his side to avoid the bad thoughts to appear... Then the light eyes of the girl appear in his mind; he knows she cares about him too, which surprised him at first, but now he got used to having her beside him.

That's why he prefers to be alone, he wouldn't like to hurt Hoba, Y/N nor any other of the boys.

It is not only the stressful work but feasts of life appear one by one making harder for Yoongi to keep a normal quiet mind. Indeed his mind is a mess.

Every night that passes he feels sadder, angrier, depressed... and the alcohol in his wondering hand is not taking this pain away... What should he do about it?

Now in the household, Hobi is walking Y/N to her bedroom, he knows how the girl must be feeling right now... He is feeling the same way right now...

"Let's catch some sleep, sunshine, you'll talk to him tomorrow morning"

Yes, Hoseok learned that english word, just to call the girl what she really is: a sunshine.

"I really hope he's okay"
"He's a big boy~ He surely be okay, now go to bed because you also have unfinished homework, don't you?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now